Everyone knows PHP hates blank lines at the beginning or end of a file (before or after the PHP tags).
I've got an awk
script that will modify the files. I pass all my files through it and things are peachy, no more leading or trailing blank lines.
I'd like to FIND the files first, to build a quick exception report.
I tried something like this:
grep -r -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba'
But that's wrong.
This shell script will go through all your files and print if it found a blank line at the beginning or end of each file:
for f in `find . -type f`; do
for t in head tail; do
$t -1 $f |egrep '^[ ]*$' >/dev/null && echo "blank line at the $t of $f";
I broke the lines for readability, but you can run it as a one liner too.
example output:
blank line at the head of ./b
blank line at the tail of ./c
blank line at the head of ./d
blank line at the tail of ./d