I am looking for a way by which I can automate my application build on Silverlight.
I need to use Selenium as required, can anyone tell a process or any good tutorial by which I can achieve what I require.
Thanks in advance.
I am looking for a way by which I can automate my application build on Silverlight.
I need to use Selenium as required, can anyone tell a process or any good tutorial by which I can achieve what I require.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at: http://code.google.com/p/silverlight-selenium/
Silverlight testing: Watin vs Selenium comparison
Also bear in mind that Silverlight's future looks uncertain:
http://www.hightechnewstoday.com/apr-2011-high-tech-news-archives/74-apr-13-2011-high-tech-news.shtml and http://www.electronista.com/articles/11/11/09/microosft.may.axe.silverlight.after.major.release/
etc. etc.
So you may prefer to consider HTML5 for future projects after completing your current Silverlight project, as HTML5 has a brighter future because of its cross browser support and efficiency compared with proprietary technologies like Flash and Silverlight.
I suggest Sikulix which a desktop automation tool using which you can automate almost everything. which uses text interpretation of image so that us can locate your component. If you are using python selenium i suggest to use pyautogui which is nice python package to automate silverlight web pages.