I'd been making a web on localhost and when I tried to move it on host it shows me lots of errors. Seems like it can't connect to my local database. Here's the code:
$host = "myip";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$db = "mydatabase";
mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
$on = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(online) FROM characters WHERE online=1"));
echo "<br>Online: $on[0]<br><br>";
And here's the output:
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'myip' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in * on line 46
Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in * on line 48
Thanks for help
It's a mysql user permission problem. Create a new user with phpmyadmin for example and set it's host to localhost if you connect from localhost, or % if you are connecting from outside.
As Alekc correctly stated, it's a permission problem:
You can do this at the MySQL prompt:
grant all privileges on mydatabase.*
to youruser@'your_ip_address'
identified by 'your_password';
Followed by a:
flush privileges;
And then try to reconnect again. Keep in mind that:
your_ip_adress: it's not the MySQL server's IP address but the IP address you are connecting from (your web server?)
your_password: is the one you must use when establishing the connection on PHP side
Also remember that, even though this solution should work, it's not recommendable granting all privileges to a user that will be used by a web application. You can do the same with fewer permissions.
You can do all this with a nice GUI frontend. I prefer command line.