I have an Access database with 10+ text controls. I'd like to have some code to handle the CTRL + A KeyPress event. Normally, when pressing CTRL + A in Access, this selects all records. My end goal is to have CTRL + A only select that control's text (like pressing CTRL + A in your browser's URL bar, it only selects THAT text) so that I can delete only that control's text. I checked this article, as I wanted something that could handle any text box (handling each textbox's KeyPress = 60+ lines of code). Is there any way I could have, say, a for-next loop?
Function HandleKeyPress(frm As Form, KeyAscii As Integer, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) 'should it be a function or a sub?
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If KeyAscii = 1 Then 'I think this is CTRL + A?
e.Handled = True 'Stop this keypress from doing anything in access
focused_text_box.SelStart = 0
focused_text_box.SelLength = Len(focused_text_box.Text)
End If
End Function
Along with this, how can I pass to this sub/function the text box's name?
Note: In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm still a noob with VBA/Access.