
Back-tick vs single quote in js

2020-02-01 07:36发布


Working on node.js (server side), I wonder if I should use all back-ticks (`) instead of the regular quotes (" or ') all the time since it will make the code consistent. Is there any specific reason for keeping different type of quotes for different things. Will it affect performance if all non-substitution quotes are converted to back-ticks?


the back-tick allows you to use string templating for example:

var value = 4;
var str = `text with a ${value}`
// str will be  : 'text with a 4'

for " vs ' I say look at this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9959952/6739517

As for performance, it seems like it would be the same if you are just using back-ticks for plain strings. However when building strings it looks like concatenation is still the way to go. Take a look here:

2018 update: It seems that ES6 string templating can be faster than concatenation in some cases. Take a look at the following post for some hard numbers:

Are ES6 template literals faster than string concatenation?


The performance difference between creating strings using backticks or single quotes would be so absurdly small that I don't think you should consider it as a reason to use one or the other. Here is some basic evidence of that.

However - I would argue against using template string for strings that are not templates simply because it's clear when you use single quotes that no templating is going to occur. If I saw a string with backticks - I would immediately start hunting to see what was going to be substituted, or why they were used. By contrast, single quotes are very clear.

I don't think it will affect performance - but I don't think you should do it "just to be consistent" either. It's not consistent because it's a completely different construct - the same as a while or for loop. They are different tools for different jobs.


Back ticks(``) are called template literals. They are part of ES6. Difference is:

var name = "world";
var greetES5 = 'Hello '+name;//using single quote
var greetES6 = `Hello ${name}`;//using ticks

You can refer MDN here for more info.