I have written a small class for synchronizing threads of both Linux (actually Android) and Windows.
Here is the Win32 implementation of my interface :
class SyncObjectWin32 : public SyncObject
const HANDLE m_hEvent;
: m_hEvent( ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE ) )
if( NULL == m_hEvent )
throw core::Exception( "sys::SyncObjectWin32::SyncObjectWin32() - Failed to create event." );
::CloseHandle( m_hEvent );
void WaitForSignal()
::WaitForSingleObject( m_hEvent );
void Signal()
::SetEvent( m_hEvent );
The problem is that i'm not sure what would be the POSIX equivalent. So far i've written the following class, based on this SO question, but since the answer is incomplete i'm not sure about how to finish my class :
class SyncObjectPosix
pthread_mutex_t m_oMutex;
pthread_mutex_lock( m_oMutex ); // lock mutex
bool & signalled = find_signal( condition ); // find predicate
signalled = true; // set predicate
pthread_mutex_unlock( m_oMutex ); // unlock mutex
pthread_cond_signal( condition ); // signal condition variable
void WaitForSignal()
pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); // lock mutex
bool & signalled = find_signal( condition ); // find predicate
while (!signalled)
pthread_cond_timedwait(condition, m_oMutex, timeout);
signalled = false; // reset predicate
pthread_mutex_unlock( m_oMutex ); // unlock mutex
void Signal()