
2020-02-01 05:32发布



Does anybody know details about QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka format, it's the output format of qcom 7x30 h/w decoder, how data is stored in such color format? thanks


This is my research on this, about QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka converting to YUV420Planar (I420). As far as QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka format is concerned, you can refer to ($your_android_native_sdk_dir)/WORKING_DIRECTORY/hardware/qcom/media/mm-core/inc/QOMX_IVCommonExtensions.h source code. This function might idealy support generic resolution, however I only test on CIF size because unavailable given source input. Sure you can fake other size data as given input. Hope it is helpful if you are working on this. I have saw the color is correct per my CIF test. The code is so long about 390 lines, so heavy. Including steps: construct yTileToMb, uvTileToMb, then converting y and u/v as followed.

* Enumeration defining the extended uncompressed image/video
* formats.
*  YVU420PackedSemiPlanar       : Buffer containing all Y, and then V and U 
*                                 interleaved.
*  YVU420PackedSemiPlanar32m4ka : YUV planar format, similar to the 
*                                 YVU420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the
*                                 following restrictions:
*                                 1. The width and height of both plane must 
*                                 be a multiple of 32 texels.
*                                 2. The base address of both planes must be 
*                                 aligned to a 4kB boundary.
*  YUV420PackedSemiPlanar16m2ka : YUV planar format, similar to the
*                                 YUV420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the
*                                 following restrictions:
*                                 1. The width of the luma plane must be a
*                                 multiple of 16 pixels.
*                                 2. The address of both planes must be 
*                                 aligned to a 2kB boundary.
*  YUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka : YUV planar format, similar to the 
*                                 YUV420PackedSemiPlanar format, but with the
*                                 following restrictions:
*                                 1. The data is laid out in a 4x2 MB tiling 
*                                 memory structure
*                                 2. The width of each plane is a multiple of
*                                 2 4x2 MB tiles.
*                                 3. The height of each plan is a multiple of
*                                 a 4x2 MB tile.
*                                 4. The base address of both planes must be 
*                                 aligned to an 8kB boundary.
*                                 5. The tiles are scanned in the order 
*                                 defined in the MFCV5.1 User's Manual.
*                                                                       i.e, CIF size in pysical location
*                                                                       Luma order(4x2 MB = 64x32 pix): 54 tiles:
*                                                                       0  1  6  7  8  9
*                                                                       2  3  4  5  10 11
*                                                                       12 13 18 19 20 21
*                                                                       14 15 16 17 22 23
*                                                                       24 25 30 31 32 33
*                                                                       26 27 28 29 34 35
*                                                                       36 37 42 43 44 45
*                                                                       38 39 40 41 46 47
*                                                                       48 49 50 51 52 53
*                                                                       MBs in a y tile:
*                                                                       0  1  2  3
*                                                                       22 23 24 25
*                                                                       Chromas order(64x32 pix):
*                                                                       0  1  6  7  8  9
*                                                                       2  3  4  5  10 11
*                                                                       12 13 18 19 20 21
*                                                                       14 15 16 17 22 23
*                                                                       24 25 26 27 28 29
*                                                                       MBs in a uv tile:
*                                                                       0  1  2  3
*                                                                       22 23 24 25
*                                                                       44 45 46 47
*                                                                       66 67 68 69

// YUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka,    // 12 bit, yyyyyyyy vuvu
// YUV420Planar, 12 bit, yyyyyyyy uu vv
#pragma pack(1)
typedef enum {
    Scan_Init       = 0,
} ScanMode;
typedef struct{
    uint16_t    startMbIndex;
    uint8_t     numMBs;
//  bool        lastTileInHor;
    bool        lastTileInVer;
} MbGroup;
#pragma pack()

#define ALIGN_B(x,a)        (((x)+(a)-1) &(~((a)-1)))
#define MAX_RESOLUTION_X    1920    // 4096
#define MAX_RESOLUTION_Y    1088    // 3072
#define MAX_TILES_NUM       (((MAX_RESOLUTION_X+63)>>6) * ((MAX_RESOLUTION_Y+31)>>5))

int32_t ToI420::YUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8kaToYUV420Planar( uint8_t* src, uint8_t* dst_y, uint8_t* dst_u, uint8_t* dst_v,
            const int32_t width, const int32_t height,
            const int32_t stride_y, const int32_t stride_u, const int32_t stride_v )
    const int32_t srcStrideY    = ALIGN_B( width, 128 );
    const int32_t srcHeightY    = ALIGN_B( height, 32 );
    const int32_t srcStrideUV   = srcStrideY;   // v/u interlaced
    const int32_t srcHeightUV   = ALIGN_B( (height>>1), 32 );
    const int32_t srcSizeY      = ALIGN_B( (srcStrideY * srcHeightY), 8192 );
    const int32_t srcSizeUV     = ALIGN_B( (srcStrideUV * srcHeightUV), 8192 );
    uint8_t* src_y              = src;
    uint8_t* src_uv             = src_y + srcSizeY;

    const int32_t wTiles        = (width+63)>>6;
    const int32_t hTilesY       = (height+31)>>5;
    const int32_t hTilesUV      = (height/2+31)>>5;
    const int32_t numTilesY     = wTiles*hTilesY;
    const int32_t numTilesUV    = wTiles*hTilesUV; 
    const int32_t wMacroblocks  = (width+15)>>4;
    const int32_t hMacroblocks  = (height+15)>>4;
    int32_t numMbInTile         = 4*2;  // y: 4*2; uv: 4*4
    const int32_t mbOffsetTileHor       = 4;
    int32_t mbOffsetTileVer             = (wMacroblocks<<1);    // y: (wMacroblocks<<1); uv: (wMacroblocks<<2)  
    MbGroup yTileToMb[MAX_TILES_NUM]    = {0};  // each Tile index storing according MB index
    MbGroup uvTileToMb[MAX_TILES_NUM]   = {0};  // each Tile index storing according MB index
    assert( numTilesY <= MAX_TILES_NUM && numTilesUV <= MAX_TILES_NUM );
    int32_t availableTilesY             = numTilesY;
    int32_t availableTilesUV            = numTilesUV;
    const int32_t numTilesYPerScanUnit  = (wTiles<<1);
    int32_t tileIndex                   = 0;
    ScanMode preMode                    = Scan_Init;
    ScanMode curMode                    = Scan_Hor;
    int32_t scanedTiles                 = 0;
    int32_t hMbMultiple                 = 0;
    int32_t cntScanTimesInPeriod        = 0;    // maximal scan times is up to 4
    int32_t cnt1stLineTiles             = 0;
    int32_t cnt2ndLineTiles             = 0;
    uint16_t mbPosition                 = 0;
    uint16_t lastMbIdx                  = mbPosition;
    uint16_t firstMbIdxUnit             = mbPosition;
    bool noEnoughMbInTile               = false;    

    // construct yTileToMb table
    while( availableTilesY > 0 ){       
        if ( availableTilesY >= numTilesYPerScanUnit ){         
            preMode                 = Scan_Init;
            curMode                 = Scan_Hor;
            lastMbIdx               = mbPosition;
            firstMbIdxUnit          = mbPosition;
            cntScanTimesInPeriod    = 0;    // maximal scan times is up to 4
            cnt1stLineTiles         = 0;
            cnt2ndLineTiles         = 0;
            noEnoughMbInTile        = false;
            scanedTiles             = 0;

            while ( scanedTiles < numTilesYPerScanUnit ){               
                if ( (tileIndex & 3) == 0 ){
                    firstMbIdxUnit = mbPosition;
                noEnoughMbInTile = false;
                if ( curMode == Scan_Hor ){
                    if ( (preMode == Scan_VerUp && cnt1stLineTiles+1>= wTiles) || 
                         (preMode == Scan_VerDown && cnt2ndLineTiles+1>= wTiles) ){
                             noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                           yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor = true;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex   = mbPosition;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs         = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<1) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;                   
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    if ( noEnoughMbInTile && cntScanTimesInPeriod  == 1){
                        if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                    }else if ( cntScanTimesInPeriod == 2 ){
                        if ( preMode == Scan_Init || preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                    }else if ( cntScanTimesInPeriod == 4 ){                     
                        if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                        if ( preMode == Scan_Init ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                        if ( cnt2ndLineTiles >= wTiles && preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;                           
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( cnt1stLineTiles >= wTiles && preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;                         
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                }else if ( curMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                    if ( cnt1stLineTiles+1 >= wTiles ){
                        noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                      yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor  = true;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex= mbPosition;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs     = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<1) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;
                    mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                    preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                    curMode = Scan_Hor;
                }else if ( curMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                    if ( cnt2ndLineTiles+1 >= wTiles ){
                        noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                      yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor  = true;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex= mbPosition;
                    yTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs     = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<1) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;
                    mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                    preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                    curMode = Scan_Hor;
                cntScanTimesInPeriod &= 0x03;
                ++ scanedTiles;
            mbPosition = lastMbIdx + (mbOffsetTileVer<<1);
            availableTilesY -= numTilesYPerScanUnit;
            scanedTiles = 0;
            hMbMultiple = hMacroblocks - (tileIndex/wTiles)*2;
            noEnoughMbInTile = false;
            while ( scanedTiles < wTiles ){
                yTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex = mbPosition;
                yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInVer= true;
                if ( scanedTiles+1 == wTiles ){
                    noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                  yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor  = true;
                yTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))*hMbMultiple) : (4*hMbMultiple);
                ++ tileIndex;
                mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                ++ scanedTiles;
            availableTilesY -= wTiles;

    numMbInTile = 4*4;  
    mbOffsetTileVer = (wMacroblocks<<2);
    mbPosition = 0;
    tileIndex = 0;
    // construct uvTileToMb table
    while( availableTilesUV > 0 ){      
        if ( availableTilesUV >= numTilesYPerScanUnit ){            
            preMode             = Scan_Init;
            curMode             = Scan_Hor;
            lastMbIdx           = mbPosition;
            firstMbIdxUnit      = mbPosition;
            cntScanTimesInPeriod= 0;    // maximal scan times is up to 4
            cnt1stLineTiles     = 0;
            cnt2ndLineTiles     = 0;
            noEnoughMbInTile    = false;
            scanedTiles         = 0;

            while ( scanedTiles < numTilesYPerScanUnit ){               
                if ( (tileIndex & 3) == 0 ){
                    firstMbIdxUnit = mbPosition;
                noEnoughMbInTile = false;
                if ( curMode == Scan_Hor ){
                    if ( (preMode == Scan_VerUp && cnt1stLineTiles+1>= wTiles) || 
                         (preMode == Scan_VerDown && cnt2ndLineTiles+1>= wTiles) ){
                             noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                           uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor    = true;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex  = mbPosition;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs        = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<2) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;                   
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    if ( noEnoughMbInTile && cntScanTimesInPeriod  == 1){
                        if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                    }else if ( cntScanTimesInPeriod == 2 ){
                        if ( preMode == Scan_Init || preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                    }else if ( cntScanTimesInPeriod == 4 ){                     
                        if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                        if ( preMode == Scan_Init ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                        }else if ( preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                        if ( cnt2ndLineTiles >= wTiles && preMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerUp;                           
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit - mbOffsetTileVer;
                        }else if ( cnt1stLineTiles >= wTiles && preMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                            preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                            curMode = Scan_VerDown;                         
                            mbPosition = firstMbIdxUnit + mbOffsetTileVer;
                            mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                }else if ( curMode == Scan_VerUp ){
                    if ( cnt1stLineTiles+1 >= wTiles ){
                        noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                      uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor = true;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex  = mbPosition;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs        = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<2) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;
                    mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    ++ cnt1stLineTiles;
                    preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                    curMode = Scan_Hor;
                }else if ( curMode == Scan_VerDown ){
                    if ( cnt2ndLineTiles+1 >= wTiles ){
                        noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                      uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor = true;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex  = mbPosition;
                    uvTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs        = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))<<2) : numMbInTile;
                    ++ tileIndex;
                    mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                    ++ cntScanTimesInPeriod;
                    ++ cnt2ndLineTiles;
                    preMode = curMode;  // scan mode change need upate preMode
                    curMode = Scan_Hor;
                cntScanTimesInPeriod &= 0x03;
                ++ scanedTiles;
            mbPosition = lastMbIdx + (mbOffsetTileVer<<1);
            availableTilesUV -= numTilesYPerScanUnit;
            scanedTiles = 0;
            hMbMultiple = hMacroblocks - (tileIndex/wTiles)*4;
            noEnoughMbInTile = false;
            while ( scanedTiles < wTiles ){
                uvTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex = mbPosition;
                uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInVer = true;
                if ( scanedTiles+1 == wTiles ){
                    noEnoughMbInTile = (ALIGN_B(width, 16) < srcStrideY);
//                  uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInHor = true;
                uvTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs    = noEnoughMbInTile ? ((4-((srcStrideY-ALIGN_B(width,16))>>4))*hMbMultiple) : (4*hMbMultiple);
                ++ tileIndex;
                mbPosition += mbOffsetTileHor;
                ++ scanedTiles;
            availableTilesUV -= wTiles;

    uint8_t* py     = src_y;    
    tileIndex = 0;
    // converting luma componet with yTileToMb
    while ( tileIndex < numTilesY ){
        uint16_t startMbIndex = yTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex;
        const int32_t startMbX = (startMbIndex % wMacroblocks);
        const int32_t startMbY = (startMbIndex / wMacroblocks);

        int32_t mb_x = startMbX;
        int32_t mb_y = startMbY;
        const int32_t cntMbLines = yTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInVer ? (hMacroblocks - (tileIndex/wTiles)*2) : 2;      
        const int32_t numMbPerLine = yTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs / cntMbLines;
        const int32_t sizePixelLine = (numMbPerLine << 4);
        int32_t mbLine = 0;
        while ( mbLine < cntMbLines ){
            assert( mb_y < hMacroblocks && mb_x < wMacroblocks );
            const int32_t dstOffsetY = (mb_y * stride_y + mb_x)<<4;
            int32_t _l = 0;
            // luma
            while( _l < 16 ){
                memcpy( dst_y + dstOffsetY + _l * stride_y, py, sizePixelLine );
                py += 64; // eliminate padding (64-sizePixelLine)
                ++ _l;
            mb_x = startMbX;
            ++ mb_y;
            ++ mbLine;
        ++ tileIndex;

    uint8_t* puv    = src_uv;
    tileIndex = 0;
    // convering cb/cr componets with uvTileToMb
    while ( tileIndex < numTilesUV ){
        uint16_t startMbIndex = uvTileToMb[tileIndex].startMbIndex;
        const int32_t startMbX = (startMbIndex % wMacroblocks);
        const int32_t startMbY = (startMbIndex / wMacroblocks);

        int32_t mb_x = startMbX;
        int32_t mb_y = startMbY;
        const int32_t cntMbLines = uvTileToMb[tileIndex].lastTileInVer ? (hMacroblocks - (tileIndex/wTiles)*4) : 4;
        const int32_t numMbPerLine = uvTileToMb[tileIndex].numMBs / cntMbLines;     
        int32_t mbLine = 0;
        while ( mbLine < cntMbLines ){
            assert( mb_y < hMacroblocks && mb_x < wMacroblocks );           
            // cb/cr
            int32_t mbIndex = 0;
            while ( mbIndex < numMbPerLine ){
                assert( mb_y < hMacroblocks && mb_x < wMacroblocks );
                const int32_t dstOffsetUV = (mb_y * stride_u + mb_x)<<3;            
                int32_t _l = 0;
                while( _l < 8 ){
                    const int32_t _offset = dstOffsetUV + _l * stride_u;
                    uint8_t* _u = dst_u + _offset;
                    uint8_t* _v = dst_v + _offset;
                    uint8_t* _src_vu = puv+(mbIndex<<4)+(_l<<6);
                    int32_t _interlace = 0;
                    for ( int32_t ichroma = 0; ichroma < 8; ++ichroma ){
                        _u[ichroma] = _src_vu[_interlace++];
                        _v[ichroma] = _src_vu[_interlace++];
                    ++ _l;
                ++ mb_x;
                ++ mbIndex;
            puv += 64*8;
            mb_x = startMbX;
            ++ mb_y;
            ++ mbLine;
        if ( cntMbLines < 4 ){
            puv += 64*(4-cntMbLines)*8;
        ++ tileIndex;

    return 0;



Like the name suggests, the data is packed into 64x32 pixels "tiles".

You don't need to know the pixel format if you write the decoded picture into a compatible hardware surface.

I have reverse engineered the format (Luma only for now), at least for some video widths. I don't know (yet) how chroma samples are laid out however, and the code below is still buggy.

void CopyOmxPicture( decoder_t *p_dec, picture_t *p_pic,
                 OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *p_header, int i_slice_height )
decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys;
int i_src_stride;
int i_plane, i_width, i_line;
uint8_t *p_dst, *p_src, *p_dst2;

i_src_stride  = p_sys->out.i_frame_stride;
p_src = p_header->pBuffer + p_header->nOffset;

if( p_dec->p_sys->out.definition.format.video.eColorFormat == QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka )
    uint8_t *to = p_pic->p[0].p_pixels;
    int w = p_pic->p[0].i_visible_pitch;
    int h = p_pic->p[0].i_visible_lines;
    int pitch = p_pic->p[0].i_pitch;

    msg_Dbg(p_dec, "stride %d pitch %d w %d h %d", i_src_stride, pitch, w, h);

    //copy luma plane
    const int tsz = 64*32;
    int wtiles = (w + 63) / 64; // number of tiles in horizontal direction
    int htiles = (h + 31) / 32; // number of tiles in   vertical direction

    int tile = 0; // FIXME : order differs for other streams

    int tiles_max = 2 * wtiles;
    uint8_t order[tiles_max];
    order[0] = 0;
    order[1] = 1;

    uint8_t done[tiles_max];
    memset(done, 0, tiles_max);
    done[0] = done[1] = 1;

    int j = 2 + 4;
    for (int i = 2; i < tiles_max;) {
        while(done[j]) { j++; j%=tiles_max; }
        done[j] = 1;
        order[i++] = j++; j%= tiles_max;
        while(done[j]) { j++; j%=tiles_max; }
        done[j] = 1;
        order[i++] = j++; j%= tiles_max;
        if (j == 0)
        if (i == tiles_max)
        while(done[j]) { j++; j%=tiles_max; }
        done[j] = 1;
        order[i++] = j++; j%= tiles_max;
        while(done[j]) { j++; j%=tiles_max; }
        done[j] = 1;
        order[i++] = j++;
        j += 4;
        j%= tiles_max;
#if 0
    static const uint8_t order[] = { 0, 1, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    static const uint8_t order[] = { 0, 1,
        6,  7,  8,  9,
        14, 15, 16, 17,
        22, 23, 24, 25,
        2,  3,  4,  5 ,
        10, 11, 12, 13,
        18, 19, 20, 21,
        26, 27,
    i_src_stride += 127; i_src_stride &= ~127;
    //int width_align = tsz * (wtiles & 1); // width is aligned on 128 pixels
    int width_align = i_src_stride - ((wtiles + 1) & ~1) * 64;
    int soff = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < htiles; i++) { // top to bottom
        int lines = 32;
        if ((i == htiles - 1) && (h & 31))
            lines = h & 31;
        for (int j = 0; j < wtiles; j++) { // left to right
            //copy one tile
            int tile_pitch = 64;
            if ((j == wtiles-1) && (w & 63))
                tile_pitch = w & 63;
            int doff = pitch * i * 32 + j * 64;
            for (int l = 0; l < lines; l++) {
                memcpy(&to[doff + l * pitch],
                    &p_src[soff + 64 * 32 * order[tile % tiles_max] + l * 64],
            if ((++tile % tiles_max) == 0) {
                soff += tiles_max * 64 * 32;
        p_src += width_align;

    // black out chroma
    for (int i = 1; i < p_pic->i_planes; i++)
        memset(p_pic->p[i].p_pixels, 0x80,
                p_pic->p[i].i_pitch * p_pic->p[i].i_visible_lines);

#if 1 //dump
char mask[32];
static int x = 0;
sprintf(mask, "/sdcard/yuv/out%dx%dxp%d-%.3d.yuv", w, h, pitch, ++x);
if ((x & 15) == 0) {
    FILE *f = fopen(mask, "w");
    if ((f = fopen(mask, "w"))) {
#if 1
        //int w = (p_pic->format.i_width + 127) & ~127;
        //int h = (p_pic->format.i_height + 31) & ~31;
        //size_t s = (w * h + 8191) & ~8191;
        size_t s = p_header->nFilledLen;
        fwrite(p_src, s, 1, f);
        fwrite(to, pitch*h*3 / 2, 1, f);


标签: colors yuv