Section Replacing shell pipeline of the python subprocess module says to replace
output=`dmesg | grep hda`
p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
p1.stdout.close() # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits.
output = p2.communicate()[0]
The comment to the third line explains why the close function is being called, but not why it makes sense. It doesn't, to me. Will not closing p1.stdout before the communicate method is called prevent any output from being sent through the pipe? (Obviously it won't, I've tried to run the code and it runs fine). Why is it necessary to call close to make p1 receive SIGPIPE? What kind of close is it that doesn't close? What, exactly, is it closing?
Please consider this an academic question, I'm not trying to accomplish anything except understanding these things better.