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How to install JSTL? The absolute uri: cannot be resolved
(14 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
How would I make the following code work?
<c:if test="${null != searchResults}" >
<c:forEach items="${searchResults}" var="result" varStatus="status">
I've tried many different variations of this, such as:
<c:if test="${searchWasPerformed}" >
<c:if test="<%=request.getAttribute("searchWasPerformed") %>" >
and even
<% boolean b = null != request.getAttribute("searchResults"); %>
<c:if test="${b}" >
Which looks REALLY ugly :/ But I keep on getting the
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/admin/admin-index.jsp(29,2) PWC6236: According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute test does not accept any expressions
How would I go around this?