I started to experiment with the new SwiftUI framework, announced on the WWDC 2019 and started the tutorial on https://developer.apple.com/tutorials/swiftui.
Now I came to the point where to connect the Profile to the HomeScreen via the PresentationButton
. More precisely I am talking about this section of code in Home.swift
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))
destination: ProfileHost()
When I first click on the button the Profile Sheet appears just fine, but when I dismiss it and then click on the button again nothing happens.
Does anyone know why this is the case ?
Thanks in advance
It looks like a bug in SwiftUI.
It is probably linked to the fact that onDisappear
is never called.
You can verify that by adding
print("Profile appeared")
print("Profile disappeared")
to ProfileHost
view. It would make sense that an appear
should be balanced by a disappear
for the dismissal to be complete.
It is possible to work around it by implementing a function that returns a PresentationButton
that "depends" on a state variable.
@State var profilePresented: Int = 0
func profileButton(_ profilePresented: Int) -> some View {
return PresentationButton(
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))
destination: ProfileHost(),
onTrigger: {
let deadlineTime = DispatchTime.now() + .seconds(2)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadlineTime, execute: {
self.profilePresented += 1
And replace
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))
destination: ProfileHost()
.navigationBarItems(trailing: self.profileButton(self.profilePresented))
I highly recommend to not use this "solution" and just report the bug to Apple.
The most simple way to solve this issue is by leaving the destination: parameter on its own and have the Image object in the curly braces:
PresentationButton(destination: ProfileHost()) {
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))
This was fixed in Beta 3. I also had the same issue, where PresentationButton (now PresentationLink) was only firing once when embedded in .navigationBarItems.
This was a bug resolved in Xcode 11 Beta2: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode_release_notes/xcode_11_beta_2_release_notes.
With the updated API the following should work:
PresentationButton(destination:ProfileHost()) {
Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle")
.accessibility(label: Text("User Profile"))