I'm having some trouble with certain input areas of my program. There are a few parts where the user inputs a specific integer. Even if they enter the wrong one that's all fine and dandy, but I noticed if they enter anything not of integer type like 'm' then it will loop the error message repeatedly.
I have a couple functions that have integer input in them. Here's one for an example.
void Room::move(vector<Room>& v, int exone, int extwo, int exthree, int current)
v[current].is_occupied = false;
int room_choice;
cout << "\nEnter room to move to: ";
cin >> room_choice;
if(room_choice == exone || room_choice == extwo || room_choice == exthree)
v[room_choice].is_occupied = true;
else cout << "Incorrect entry. Try again: ";