How to check encoding of a CSV file

2020-01-31 04:02发布


I have a CSV file and I wish to understand its encoding. Is there a menu option in Microsoft Excel that can help me detect it

OR do I need to make use of programming languages like C# or PHP to deduce it.


You can just open the file using notepad and then goto File -> Save As. Next to the Save button there will be an encoding drop down and the file's current encoding will be selected there.


In Linux systems, you can use file command. It will give the correct encoding


file blah.csv


blah.csv: ISO-8859 text, with very long lines


If you use Python, just use a print() function to check the encoding of a csv file. For example:

with open('file_name.csv') as f:

The output is something like this:

<_io.TextIOWrapper name='file_name.csv' mode='r' encoding='utf8'>


Use chardet (documentation is short and easy to read).

Install python, then pip install chardet, at last use the command line command.

I tested under GB2312 and it's pretty accurate. (Make sure you have at least a few characters, sample with only 1 character may fail easily).

file is not reliable as you can see.

标签: csv encoding