The macro I am building takes names from an Excel spreadsheet, opens Internet Explorer, and searches the online directory. After searching the directory, it pulls up a Java form with the manager's name in it. I am able to manually tab to the manager name, right click, copy shortcut, and then post it back on the spread sheet. However, I am having problems with consistent tabbing and copying the shortcut.
- Is there a simple way of bringing focus back onto the IE window?
- How do you copy a shortcut without manually clicking it?
Sub Macro1()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate "****url****"
While ie.busy
ie.document.getElementById("SSOID").Value = "Z19516732"
ie.document.getElementById("Advanced").Checked = False
'this loop is to slow the macro as the java form is filled from the search
For i = 1 To 400000000
i = i + 1
Next i
ie.document.getElementById("Advanced").Checked = False
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 6}" ', True
'bring up the control menu/right click
Application.SendKeys "+{F10}"
'copy shortcut is 8 items down on the list
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
'enter was not working so the shortcut for the menu is 't'
'SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.SendKeys "{t}"
End Sub
At the beginning of your module, put this line of code:
Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal HWND As Long) As Long
This is called a Declare Statement
and will allow you to access the SetForegroundWindow
function that is built into Windows. This function lives in the user32
DLL of the Windows system. There are actually a number of other functions among multiple DLLs that are accessible to VBA in this way (see link for more examples).
In your code, while interacting with your IE object, record the HWND
(handle to that window) like so:
Dim HWNDSrc As Long
Then, after you've interacted with Java, use this to continue:
SetForegroundWindow HWNDSrc
This tells the Windows system to set the window identified by the HWND
as the foreground window (as the name implies).
However, this may not be necessary, depending on how you are interacting with IE. In other words, if you don't need to see/touch the window, you can still interact using the object as you have in your code already.
There are ways to get the shortcut you are looking for using code like GetElementById()
and GetElementsByTagName()
(see here for more info), but it will depend on how the source was created. e.g. an <a href="...>
link should be relatively easy to pull, if you know the HTML source.
After reviewing your code a second time, I noticed you use a loop to 'slow down' the macro. I have a function I use all the time for similar methods of my own. Hopefully this will help in you getting done what you need. I've modified my code below from my own original, since I had additional specifics that don't apply to your case. If there are any errors with it, I can adjust as needed.
Public Sub WaitForIE(myIEwindow As InternetExplorer, HWND As Long, WaitTime As Integer)
' Add pauses/waits so that window action can actually
' begin AND finish before trying to read from myIEWindow.
' myIEWindow is the IE object currently in use
' HWND is the HWND for myIEWindow
' The above two variables are both used for redundancy/failsafe purposes.
' WaitTime is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait at each step below.
' This is variablized because some pages are known to take longer than
' others to load, and some pages with frames may be partially loaded,
' which can incorrectly return an READYSTATE_COMPLETE status, etc.
Dim OpenIETitle As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", WaitTime, Now())
Do Until myIEwindow.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
' Wait until IE is done loading page and/or user actions are done.
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", WaitTime, Now())
While myIEwindow.Busy
DoEvents ' Wait until IE is done loading page and/or user actions are done.
On Error Resume Next
' Make sure our window still exists and was not closed for some reason...
For Each OpenIETitle In objShellWindows
If OpenIETitle.HWND = HWND Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set myIEwindow = OpenIETitle
Exit For
End If
End If
Next OpenIETitle
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub