I would like to POST multipart/form-data encoded data.
I have found an external module that does it: http://atlee.ca/software/poster/index.html
however I would rather avoid this dependency. Is there a way to do this using the standard libraries?
The standard library does not currently support that. There is cookbook recipe that includes a fairly short piece of code that you just may want to copy, though, along with long discussions of alternatives.
It's an old thread but still a popular one, so here is my contribution using only standard modules.
The idea is the same than here but support Python 2.x and Python 3.x.
It also has a body generator to avoid unnecessarily memory usage.
import codecs
import mimetypes
import sys
import uuid
import io
except ImportError:
pass # io is requiered in python3 but not available in python2
class MultipartFormdataEncoder(object):
def __init__(self):
self.boundary = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary={}'.format(self.boundary)
def u(cls, s):
if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000 and isinstance(s, str):
s = s.decode('utf-8')
if sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000 and isinstance(s, bytes):
s = s.decode('utf-8')
return s
def iter(self, fields, files):
fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields.
files is a sequence of (name, filename, file-type) elements for data to be uploaded as files
Yield body's chunk as bytes
encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
for (key, value) in fields:
key = self.u(key)
yield encoder('--{}\r\n'.format(self.boundary))
yield encoder(self.u('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{}"\r\n').format(key))
yield encoder('\r\n')
if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
value = str(value)
yield encoder(self.u(value))
yield encoder('\r\n')
for (key, filename, fd) in files:
key = self.u(key)
filename = self.u(filename)
yield encoder('--{}\r\n'.format(self.boundary))
yield encoder(self.u('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{}"; filename="{}"\r\n').format(key, filename))
yield encoder('Content-Type: {}\r\n'.format(mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'))
yield encoder('\r\n')
with fd:
buff = fd.read()
yield (buff, len(buff))
yield encoder('\r\n')
yield encoder('--{}--\r\n'.format(self.boundary))
def encode(self, fields, files):
body = io.BytesIO()
for chunk, chunk_len in self.iter(fields, files):
return self.content_type, body.getvalue()
# some utf8 key/value pairs
fields = [('প্রায়', 42), ('bar', b'23'), ('foo', 'ން:')]
files = [('myfile', 'image.jpg', open('image.jpg', 'rb'))]
# iterate and write chunk in a socket
content_type, body = MultipartFormdataEncoder().encode(fields, files)
You can't do this with the stdlib quickly. Howevewr, see the MultiPartForm
class in this PyMOTW. You can probably use or modify that to accomplish whatever you need:
- PyMOTW: urllib2 - Library for opening URLs.