
Move and replace if same file name already existed

2020-01-30 06:04发布


Here is below code which will move and replace individual file

import shutil
import os
src = 'scrFolder'
dst = './dstFolder/'
filelist = []

files = os.listdir( src )
for filename in files:
 fullpath = src + '/' + filename
 shutil.move(fullpath, dst)

If i execute same command and moving file which already existed in dst folder i am getting shutil.Error: Destination path './dstFolder/file.txt' already exists how to do move and replace if same file name already existed


If you specify the full path to the destination (not just the directory) then shutil.move will overwrite any existing file:

shutil.move(os.path.join(src, filename), os.path.join(dst, filename))


I got it to overwrite by providing a full path for both source and target in the move command... remember to add double slash for Windows paths.

# this is to change directories (type your own)

# current dir  (to verify)
cwd = os.getcwd() 
src = cwd
dst = cwd + '\\XLS_BACKUP\\'

shutil.move(os.path.join(src, file), os.path.join(dst, file))

# nice and short.