Root password inside a Docker container

2020-01-30 03:02发布


I'm using a Docker image which was built using the USER command to use a non-root user called dev. Inside a container, I'm "dev", but I want to edit the /etc/hosts file.

So I need to be root. I'm trying the su command, but I'm asked to enter the root password.

What's the default root user's password inside a Docker container?


You can log into the Docker container using the root user (ID = 0) instead of the provided default user when you use the -u option. E.g.

docker exec -u 0 -it mycontainer bash

root (id = 0) is the default user within a container. The image developer can create additional users. Those users are accessible by name. When passing a numeric ID, the user does not have to exist in the container.

from Docker documentation


Eventually, I decided to rebuild my Docker images, so that I change the root password by something I will know.

RUN echo "root:Docker!" | chpasswd


RUN echo "Docker!" | passwd --stdin root 


There are a couple of ways to do it.

  1. To run the Docker overriding the USER setting

    docker exec -u 0 -it containerName bash


docker exec -u root -it --workdir / <containerName> bash
  1. Make necessary file permissions, etc., during the image build in the Docker file

  2. If all the packages are available in your Linux image, chpasswdin the dockerfile before the USER utility.


I am able to get it working with the below command.

root@gitnew:# docker exec -it --user $(username) $(containername) /bin/bash


docker exec -u 0 -it containername bash


I had exactly this problem of not being able to su to root because I was running in the container as an unprivileged user.

But I didn't want to rebuild a new image as the previous answers suggest.

Instead I have found that I could access the container as root using 'nsenter', see:

First determine the PID of your container on the host:

docker inspect --format {{.State.Pid}} <container_name_or_ID>

Then use nsenter to enter the container as root

nsenter --target <PID> --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid


Get a shell of your running container and change the root password:

docker exec -it <MyContainer> bash

root@MyContainer:/# passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:


I'd suggest a better solution is to give the --add-host NAME:IP argument to docker run when starting the container. That will update the /etc/hosts/ file without any need to become root.

Otherwise, you can override the the USER setting by giving the -u USER flag to docker run. I would advise against this however, as you shouldn't really be changing things in a running container. Instead, make your changes in a Dockerfile and build a new image.


The password is 'ubuntu' for the 'ubuntu' user (at least in docker for ubuntu :14.04.03).

NB: 'ubuntu' is created after the startup of the container so, if you just do this:

 docker run -i -t --entrypoint /bin/bash  ubuntu     

You'll get the root prompt directly. From there you can force the password change of root, commit the container and optionally tag it (with -f) to ubuntu:latest like this:

root@ec384466fbbb:~# passwd
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
root@ec384466fbbb:~# exit

% docker commit ec3844

docker tag -f 5d3c ubuntu:latest

You must rebuild your eventual dependencies on ubuntu:latest.


You can use the USER root command in your Dockerfile.


When you start the container, you will be root but you won't know what root's pw is. To set it to something you know simply use "passwd root". Snapshot/commit the container to save your actions.


By default docker containers run as the root user.

If you are still using the container you can use exit command to get back to root (default user) user instead of running the container again.

Example -

[dev@6c4c86bccf93 ~]$ ls
[dev@6c4c86bccf93 ~]$ other-commands..
[dev@6c4c86bccf93 ~]$ exit
[root@6c4c86bccf93 /]# ls


try the following command to get the root access

$ sudo -i 

标签: docker