I've got a data frame with lots of columns. For each row of the data frame, I'd like to get a count of how many columns are NA. The problem is that I'm only interested in a few of the columns, and want to (efficiently) call those columns out.
Using mutate the way I do in the fake sample below gives me the right answer.
df <- data_frame(
id = 1:10
, name = fruit[1:10]
, word1 = c(words[1:5],NA,words[7:10])
, word2 = words[11:20]
, word3 = c(NA,NA,NA,words[25],NA,NA,words[32],NA,NA,words[65])
) %>%
n_words =
as.numeric(!is.na(word1)) +
as.numeric(!is.na(word2)) +
However, it's painful to type and read even for a toy example like this--when I have more than 3 columns to count, it's largely useless. Is there a more R/dplyr-y way to write this, maybe using select()
style syntax (eg. n_words = !count_blank(word1:word3)
I considered using summarize()
sans grouping, however, I need the data in the columns I'm counting and if I add them to group_by
, I'm in the same boat of calling out nearly all columns again.
You can use is.na()
over the selected columns, then rowSums()
the result:
df <- data_frame(
id = 1:10
, name = fruit[1:10]
, word1 = c(words[1:5],NA,words[7:10])
, word2 = words[11:20]
, word3 = c(NA,NA,NA,words[25],NA,NA,words[32],NA,NA,words[65]))
df$word_count <- rowSums( !is.na( df [,3:5]))
id name word1 word2 word3 n_words
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 1 apple a actual <NA> 2
2 2 apricot able add <NA> 2
3 3 avocado about address <NA> 2
4 4 banana absolute admit agree 3
5 5 bell pepper accept advertise <NA> 2
6 6 bilberry <NA> affect <NA> 1
7 7 blackberry achieve afford alright 3
8 8 blackcurrant across after <NA> 2
9 9 blood orange act afternoon <NA> 2
10 10 blueberry active again awful 3
Using dplyr
you could do this:
df %>%
select(3:5) %>%
is.na %>%
`!` %>%
Another dplyr
## define count function
count_na <- function(x) sum(!is.na(x))
df$count_na <- df %>%
select(starts_with("word")) %>%
apply(., 1, count_na)
## A tibble: 10 × 6
id name word1 word2 word3 n_words
<int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 1 apple a actual <NA> 2
2 2 apricot able add <NA> 2
3 3 avocado about address <NA> 2
4 4 banana absolute admit agree 3
5 5 bell pepper accept advertise <NA> 2
6 6 bilberry <NA> affect <NA> 1
7 7 blackberry achieve afford alright 3
8 8 blackcurrant across after <NA> 2
9 9 blood orange act afternoon <NA> 2
10 10 blueberry active again awful 3
df <- data_frame(
id = 1:10
, name = fruit[1:10]
, word1 = c(words[1:5],NA,words[7:10])
, word2 = words[11:20]
, word3 = c(NA,NA,NA,words[25],NA,NA,words[32],NA,NA,words[65])
# Rowwise sum of NAs
df %>% by_row(~ sum(is.na(.)), .collate = 'cols')
# Rowwise sum of non-NAs for word columns
df %>%
select(starts_with('word')) %>%
by_row(~ sum(!is.na(.)), .collate = 'cols')