I have a problem retrieving default values from the settings bundle when first launching an App. All non-multivalue fields return the default correctly. All multivalue fields return NULL. The code I am using to retrieve the current value:
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *upt=[defaults objectForKey:@"upthreshold"];
The relevant section from Root.plist is:
<string>Update Threshold</string>
<string>2 km</string>
<string>5 km</string>
<string>10 km</string>
<string>15 km</string>
<string>25 km</string>
<string>50 km</string>
<string>75 km</string>
<string>100 km</string>
<string>150 km</string>
<string>250 km</string>
<string>500 km</string>
<string>1000 km</string>
I would expect that "15" would come back as the current value as it is set to the default value. Is there some different processing required for Multivalue fields? As I said previously, there are 6 fields prior to this that return their values correctly. This field and the following 2 Multivalue fields do not. The multivalue fields are all defined the same.