
is it possible to run pygame or pyglet in a browse

2020-01-29 10:55发布


I have 3 game libraries installed on my PC: pyglet, pygame and Panda3D.

I would like to create a 2D game and make it a web browser game so i can put it on facebook.

I know that Panda3D has a web-browser-plugin. Panda3D is for 3D games mainly.

Therefore, I'm asking, is it possible to play a pyglet or pygame game in a browser? If not, what Python library do you recommend?


Neither pyglet nor pygame will run in a browser. I wouldn't really recommend using Python at all if you target is a web browser. JavaScript (with HTML5 Canvas), Flash, or Java applets are better suited for that environment.

If you're dedicated to the idea of using Python, there are a number of projects that can compile Python into JavaScript. There are some mentioned on the Python wiki. Here are a few:

  • Skulpt
  • Pyjamas
  • Pyjaco

You'll need to write your own graphics and audio systems, though, since none of those projects can convert the native code needed by pyglet and pygame into JavaScript.


Repl.it -- an online IDE -- just announced Pygame and any other Python GUI or game library. You can start here.

Here are some examples:

  • Pyglet example
  • Tetris in pygame


It requires a bit of reprogramming, but i made a pygame library "port" to the browser/nodewebkit using Brython and GameJS. You can program using a version of pygame and python 3 in the browser. You can check it out at https://github.com/asherwunk/pygjs