I am an existing user of the system-wide distribution of Visual Studio Code. I have been prompted to switch to the new User Setup distribution. This directs me to download the user setup installer. When running this installer, it tells me that I should uninstall the existing installation before installing the new one.
The uninstall procedure doesn't give any indication that settings and extensions will be kept.
I want to ensure that I keep all of my existing settings and extensions when moving to the new version. Is this possible?
I have tried the new distribution and confirmed that extensions will be kept.
Please note that the default install location of this distribution is <OS drive>:\Users\<Your username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
The two distributions share the same .vscode folder and setting. It doesn't force you to remove the system wide distribution when install the user distribution. If you have 2 distributions at the same time, when you open the system wide distribution it will remind you yo use the user distribution instead.
I have also got the following message in Visual Studio Code:
You are running the system-wide installation of Code, while having the user-wide distribution installed as well. Make sure you're running the Code version you expect.
I get this if I open Visual Studio Code from:
$Drive:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
If I open code from the users applications, I don't get that issue:
$Drive:\Users\$userName\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
I have both versions installed, I first had the system-wide distribution, then installed the user-wide distribution, without removing the system-wide distribution. After the install the extensions and settings from my existing system-wide distribution are available in the user-wide distribution without any issues.
This was a new feature released in VSC 2018 July, v1.26: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_26#_user-setup-for-windows
I originally had the system-wide installation only, then I installed the user-wide distribution. Occasionally, I would accidentally open the system-wide distribution. I have now uninstalled the system-wide installation, and the user-wide installation is working fine.
You can differentiate between the 2 installations in the "Add Remove Programs" feature by the presence of the "User" label.
No problems with extensions, all are still working after removing the system-wide install.
If you have installed the new version VS Code and without uninstall previous version, you will get the message when you open VS Code by command line.
To resolve the issue, you should remove the system environment variable about previous version path, maybe <OS drive>:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft VS Code\bin
Rapid Environment Editor is recommend to use. This tool has two split window, left one is system variable, right one is user variable. Remove path of VS Code in left window and save. Restart the system and open VS Code again by command line.
Removing the previous system wide install and installing the user setup doesn't brake anything. If everything is good, you can remove it.
Hope to help you :)
Another way to avoid the warning (if you have both installed, like I do - I too was worried about settings), is to search for visual studio code through windows (10) search. Only the ' user-wide distribution' gets found that way. If you open visual studio code that way, the warning is gone.
I too can confirm settings and plugins will remain installed.