I have been using PySpark with Ipython lately on my server with 24 CPUs and 32GB RAM. Its running only on one machine. In my process, I want to collect huge amount of data as is give in below code:
train_dataRDD = (train.map(lambda x:getTagsAndText(x))
.filter(lambda x:x[-1]!=[])
.flatMap(lambda (x,text,tags): [(tag,(x,text)) for tag in tags])
When I do
training_data = train_dataRDD.collectAsMap()
It gives me outOfMemory Error. Java heap Space
. Also, I can not perform any operations on Spark after this error as it looses connection with Java. It gives Py4JNetworkError: Cannot connect to the java server
It looks like heap space is small. How can I set it to bigger limits?
Things that I tried before running:
I changed the spark options as per the documentation here(if you do ctrl-f and search for spark.executor.extraJavaOptions) : http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.2.1/configuration.html
It says that I can avoid OOMs by setting spark.executor.memory option. I did the same thing but it seem not be working.