I have successfully created server.app and client.app using Laravel Passport documentation. Everything works as expected.
client.app Route:
Route::get('callback', function (Request $request) {
$http = new GuzzleHttp\Client;
$response = $http->post('http://server.app/oauth/token', [
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'client_id' => 3,
'client_secret' => 'secret',
'redirect_uri' => 'http://client.app/callback',
'code' => $request->code
return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true)['access_token'];
By default, this route returns access_token, with which i can do whatever i want.
How to make correct request to server.app with given access_token in client.app to get for example user(s) email(s).
Should i use: http://server.app/api/user
request to get data? If yes, how i can do that? If possible, please write a code.
Thanks for any answers.
I've been going absolutely insane about this issue! It just made no freaking sense as to why it kept spitting out the stupid Unauthenticated
error when trying to hit-up a route such as /api/user
. After much searching (MUCH searching), I finally found the answer. If you see this fero from Laracasts, you're my hero!
Did you check app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php
in the mapApiRoutes()
you can set the middleware. check to make sure
its auth:api
. if its not, change it. also, remove the auth
middleware from the route api.php
Once you've made the change to the app\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php
mentioned above, proceed with the below example.
First things first, we need to retrieve a fresh access_token
. To do this, I'm using the password grant_type
(more info: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/passport#password-grant-tokens)
To retrieve a fresh access_token
, I've created a new route on routes/web.php
and called it /connect
. I've then placed the code from the above link into it:
Route::get('connect', function (Request $request) {
$http = new GuzzleHttp\Client;
$response = $http->post('http://example.com/oauth/token', [
'form_params' => [
'grant_type' => 'password',
'client_id' => $request->client_id,
'client_secret' => $request->client_secret,
'username' => $request->username,
'password' => $request->password,
'scope' => ''
return json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);
Using Chrome Postman, you need to:
- Set the method to
- Enter the connect URL with the relevant params i.e. http://example.com/connect?client_id=1&client_secret=W2zogh7tiBh2jfHleYuzpViv7dqynDYQ6O07DKLj&username=test@test.com&password=123456
- Click the headers tab (it's next to Authorization), add a key of
and value of application/json
- Hit the Send button
Example result:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 31535999,
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImE0MmFiYjZkNTQ5M2ZjMGQxYzVmM2E3MDFlOTNjMTRlOTQxMTBmNWQ5NmI1ODI0NTBmMmEyM2MwMzQ5OTMwODdiZGUwYTI5ZDU5N2VjYTExIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiYTQyYWJiNmQ1NDkzZmMwZDFjNWYzYTcwMWU5M2MxNGU5NDExMGY1ZDk2YjU4MjQ1MGYyYTIzYzAzNDk5MzA4N2JkZTBhMjlkNTk3ZWNhMTEiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTE0Njg4ODIsIm5iZiI6MTQ5MTQ2ODg4MiwiZXhwIjoxNTIzMDA0ODgxLCJzdWIiOiI3NWNlZDUwMC0xNTQ0LTExZTctOWE4ZS1hZDVmMWFlZTM4OWUiLCJzY29wZXMiOltdfQ.dV3DKDM7IN-oGnZ_Rw10VnYkh9ySlz5i859yO0roZLAYwgmsmEEZK_vpttudUoKmYenqibZQXg6HG4KHRd-cgas_2DpO-7UCkXQYNTriUUAQ4XM6To86EOaf2BW1a07kdVGXTdo_ETQc7heUG0NWQ8-Hrr2NHkSyDULupDs8gDg_fg6xSVsFUEDZB32UIGwquAHT1Y21ZpTdQar0Rag9qOLeZYTR05ro0v9_rQbSoDgJiZE3KT9GbqwU_BegWRmAwY6LmxG4raZpSMgqYEMo3D9D0lJiomOLK4pSjqmi0EVti04zZ6Vg4GHE6S1TgC6IlakV2bMItXTWuZT6T0jEba-3ctaC4K2T8F4P8J6t-99mKY-_zSwgfGm1FErK09qixJlZ4zFsCCT7MgNQVoyu7GkJdTJVlpL1QXLc1QhfrtW11a4gg4Nlja_VyRdB9fZHomgMLpvm_HvSlqEvpeWb8wGkCts9w7ivSNLim-LuFgswGNhTZZqLEbuwB6sJV-l1V0MJCq7_h0yTmLlBdoUkxCaDJJvkUSLk0MUaalAAzY1OCxm-tJcKn31m4yOwf25ZDWf8tWuOTKarEbFyxjB0elkxXQXGe7J7TJAg0tuIEQ8YTL3ExJQ6I7zwtCL83bPOWYRGlJrsX6Lsf0qB-xMVD2DzA3JKDKvZTp5x92kP821",
"refresh_token": "ArOWW0glHjflLpL4fKOsrNUXT5v91u+CjwcE8LBvH7GJsaM0gWaFe8GH9zXjh8SHew+cg7v1IMiIPLYSVdf7h8oOeV7wgwjChI9YM0Kt6iE4wOXJuy0VwPSCj+danHDuWC3nJWYLrPydTE3h/jgFNjWEPfgXGLfiRWjWQMozddz5EWd4pvUI7J64Lw6cMCg/BslZLHtfN7IWoC1RQGp5K0cGO0QmZfsGMSzsoSUNFjv16BXiKSqlNvs5aGhxErFY4wEOKqBifXUkb3SwnK/iHKg3irmqj4fOf/aKNyCdd/PJCHrRPocrW83oM1sjq7eDufEIlgxmy7uRset8GLAWjx/n6rzkxz2QM0/9Lyc/XN9OL00XBYjA47a1wL55qUUUYWevaFwxWX8LG2UjBf9Vv2lfvLcBBkbgqpalePMDh6wb8IDyJek4BbvZtJ1VZ/l+A9XXY9rQt/hIDdoOAtib8CGr9/CERFIrByZa3TEJBCLAa2FvJSIhHVnKvnuvZX3e9qhTkgHqowJrWg2C3VyPDQYAdIhdpTEvs0pcGSAZWhwXfu9xKQOeyRTEScbLKQmuW+sGbwU+qfdLgh/BR5kW4TMer4TIzWKSuHsqmibgiUwaQkwTrtjH2Xz9Z9XmAbVzJ8pqbEZPe7t5whXDoRSnAwWymdxk2E7SiSsVUA3kX39="
Highlight the access_token
string and copy it to a text editor.
You'll then need to create a new route in routes/api.php
. The route below will simply output the current API users' info:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'user'], function() {
Route::get('/', function() {
return response()->json(request()->user());
Once you've done the above, make these changes to Postman:
- Set the method to
- Change the URL to point to the API route i.e. http://example.com/api/user
- Click on the headers tab again and add a new key of
and value of Bearer access_token_here
(replace access_token_here
with the access token you copied earlier)
- Hit the Send button
Example output:
"id": "75ced500-1544-11e7-9a8e-ad5f1aee389e",
"name": "test test",
"email": "test@test.com",
"created_at": "2017-03-30 23:29:03",
"updated_at": "2017-03-30 23:29:03"
Have you tried running it on POSTMAN chrome app?
If not, download it. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman/fhbjgbiflinjbdggehcddcbncdddomop?hl=en
Fill the information.
After you successfully generated the data, click the CODE button from the top-right (I highlighted it with green).
Lastly, select your language and copy the code. For PHP, I selected php cURL.
Hope it works.
According to Laravel documentation, you should add route to server app (routes/api.php
): $response->getBody();
Route::get('/user', function () {
// authenticated user. Use User::find() to get the user from db by id
return app()->request()->user();
Make request via quzzle:
$response = $client->request('GET', '/api/user', [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => 'Bearer '.$accessToken,
echo $response->getBody();