I'm using Angular-UI's carousel and I need to tell my google charts to redraw after they have slid into view. In spite of what I've read, I can't seem to hook into the event.
See my attempt:
<carousel id="myC" interval="myInterval">
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="slide.active">
<img ng-src="{{slide.image}}" style="margin:auto;">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h4>Slide {{$index}}</h4>
On document load:
$('#myC').live('slid.bs.carousel', function (event) { console.log("slid"); } );
It should work something like this:
http://jsfiddle.net/9fwuq/ - non-angular-ui carousel
Perhaps there is a more Angular way to hook into the fact that my chart has slid into view?
There are 3 ways I can think of and that depends of your requirement.
Please see http://plnkr.co/edit/FnI8ZX4UQYS9mDUlrf6o?p=preview for examples.
use $scope.$watch for an individual slide to check if it is become active.
$scope.$watch('slides[0].active', function (active) {
if (active) {
console.log('slide 0 is active');
use $scope.$watch with custom function to find an active slide.
$scope.$watch(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) {
if (slides[i].active) {
return slides[i];
}, function (currentSlide, previousSlide) {
if (currentSlide !== previousSlide) {
console.log('currentSlide:', currentSlide);
use a custom directive to intercept select() function of the carousel directive.
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect = carouselCtrl.select;
carouselCtrl.select = function (nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
and use it like this:
$scope.onSlideChanged = function (nextSlide, direction) {
console.log('onSlideChanged:', direction, nextSlide);
and in html template:
<carousel interval="myInterval" on-carousel-change="onSlideChanged(nextSlide, direction)">
Hope this help : )
AngularUI Bootstrap has changed naming conventions for controllers as thery have prefixed all of their controllers with prefix uib
, so below is the updated solution of the original solution provided by runTarm
.directive('onCarouselChange', function($parse) {
return {
require: '^uibCarousel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect = carouselCtrl.select;
carouselCtrl.select = function(nextSlide, direction, nextIndex) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
nextIndex: this.indexOfSlide(nextSlide)
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
Angular with TypeScript:
module App.Directive {
export class CarouselChange implements ng.IDirective {
public require: string = '^uibCarousel';
constructor(private $parse: ng.IParseService) { }
public link: ng.IDirectiveLinkFn = (scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: any, carouselCtrl: any) => {
var fn = this.$parse(attributes.carouselChange);
var origSelect = carouselCtrl.select;
carouselCtrl.select = function(nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
static Factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
var directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = ($parse: ng.IParseService) => new CarouselChange($parse);
directive['$inject'] = ["$parse"];
return directive;
Following the answer given by runTarm If you want to know the index of the next slide, you should add something like this:
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect = carouselCtrl.select;
carouselCtrl.select = function (nextSlide, direction,nextIndex) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
Then, in the controller you just need to do this to catch the new index:
$scope.onSlideChanged = function (nextSlide, direction, nextIndex) {
I managed to modify runTarm's answer so that it calls the callback once the slide has finished sliding into view (i.e. the sliding animation has finished). Here's my code:
.directive('onCarouselChange', function ($animate, $parse) {
return {
require: 'carousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) {
var fn = $parse(attrs.onCarouselChange);
var origSelect = carouselCtrl.select;
carouselCtrl.select = function (nextSlide, direction) {
if (nextSlide !== this.currentSlide) {
$animate.on('addClass', nextSlide.$element, function (elem, phase) {
if (phase === 'close') {
fn(scope, {
nextSlide: nextSlide,
direction: direction,
$animate.off('addClass', elem);
return origSelect.apply(this, arguments);
The secret lies in using $animate's event handler to call our function once the animation is finished.
here's an alternate method that uses controllers, somewhere between runTarm's #2 and #3.
original HTML + a new div:
<carousel id="myC" interval="myInterval">
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="slide.active">
<div ng-controller="SlideController"> <!-- NEW DIV -->
<img ng-src="{{slide.image}}" style="margin:auto;">
<div class="carousel-caption">
<h4>Slide {{$index}}</h4>
the custom controller:
function($log, $scope) {
var slide = $scope.slide;
$scope.$watch('slide.active', function(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
$log.info("ACTIVE", slide.id);
And if you just want to start playing a video when the slide comes into view, and pause when it leaves:
{# Uses angular v1.3.20 & angular-ui-bootstrap v0.13.4 Carousel #}
{% addtoblock "js" %}<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('videoplay', []).directive('videoAutoCtrl', function() {
return {
require: '^carousel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var video = element[0];
function setstate(visible) {
if(visible) {
} else {
// Because $watch calls $parse on the 1st arg, the property doesn't need to exist on first load
scope.$parent.$watch('active', setstate);
</script>{% endaddtoblock %}
{% addtoblock "ng-requires" %}videoplay{% endaddtoblock %}
NOTE: Has additional bits for Django
<carousel interval="15000">
<video class="img-responsive-upscale" video-auto-ctrl loop preload="metadata">
<source src=