How to get response from S3 getObject in Node.js?

2020-01-29 04:07发布


In a Node.js project I am attempting to get data back from S3.

When I use getSignedURL, everything works:

aws.getSignedUrl('getObject', params, function(err, url){

My params are:

var params = {
              Bucket: "test-aws-imagery", 
              Key: "TILES/Level4/A3_B3_C2/A5_B67_C59_Tiles.par"

If I take the URL output to the console and paste it in a web browser, it downloads the file I need.

However, if I try to use getObject I get all sorts of odd behavior. I believe I am just using it incorrectly. This is what I've tried:

aws.getObject(params, function(err, data){


  AcceptRanges: 'bytes',
  LastModified: 'Wed, 06 Apr 2016 20:04:02 GMT',
  ContentLength: '1602862',
  ETag: '9826l1e5725fbd52l88ge3f5v0c123a4"',
  ContentType: 'application/octet-stream',
  Metadata: {},
  Body: <Buffer 01 00 00 00  ... > }


So it appears that this is working properly. However, when I put a breakpoint on one of the console.logs, my IDE (NetBeans) throws an error and refuses to show the value of data. While this could just be the IDE, I decided to try other ways to use getObject.

aws.getObject(params).on('httpData', function(chunk){
}).on('httpDone', function(data){

This does not output anything. Putting a breakpoint in shows that the code never reaches either of the console.logs. I also tried:

aws.getObject(params).on('success', function(data){

However, this also does not output anything and placing a breakpoint shows that the console.log is never reached.

What am I doing wrong?


When doing a getObject() from the S3 API, per the docs the contents of your file are located in the Body property, which you can see from your sample output. You should have code that looks something like the following

const aws = require('aws-sdk');
const s3 = new aws.S3(); // Pass in opts to S3 if necessary

var getParams = {
    Bucket: 'abc', // your bucket name,
    Key: 'abc.txt' // path to the object you're looking for

s3.getObject(getParams, function(err, data) {
    // Handle any error and exit
    if (err)
        return err;

  // No error happened
  // Convert Body from a Buffer to a String

  let objectData = data.Body.toString('utf-8'); // Use the encoding necessary

You may not need to create a new buffer from the data.Body object but if you need you can use the sample above to achieve that.


Based on the answer by @peteb, but using Promises and Async/Await:

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');

const s3 = new AWS.S3();

async function getObject (bucket, objectKey) {
  try {
    const params = {
      Bucket: bucket,
      Key: objectKey 

    const data = await s3.getObject(params).promise();

    return data.Body.toString('utf-8');
  } catch (e) {
    throw new Error(`Could not retrieve file from S3: ${e.message}`)

// To retrieve you need to use `await getObject()` or `getObject().then()`
getObject('my-bucket', 'path/to/the/object.txt').then(...);


Alternatively you could use minio-js client library get-object.js

var Minio = require('minio')

var s3Client = new Minio({
  endPoint: '',
  accessKey: 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID',

var size = 0
// Get a full object.
s3Client.getObject('my-bucketname', 'my-objectname', function(e, dataStream) {
  if (e) {
    return console.log(e)
  dataStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
    size += chunk.length
  dataStream.on('end', function() {
    console.log("End. Total size = " + size)
  dataStream.on('error', function(e) {

Disclaimer: I work for Minio Its open source, S3 compatible object storage written in golang with client libraries available in Java, Python, Js, golang.


At first glance it doesn't look like you are doing anything wrong but you don't show all your code. The following worked for me when I was first checking out S3 and Node:

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

if (typeof process.env.API_KEY == 'undefined') {
    var config = require('./config.json');
    for (var key in config) {
        if (config.hasOwnProperty(key)) process.env[key] = config[key];

var s3 = new AWS.S3({accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ID, secretAccessKey:process.env.AWS_KEY});
var objectPath = process.env.AWS_S3_FOLDER +'/test.xml';
    Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET, 
    Key: objectPath,
    Body: "<rss><data>hello Fred</data></rss>",
}, function(err, data){
    if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
    else {
        console.log(data);           // successful response
            Bucket: process.env.AWS_S3_BUCKET, 
            Key: objectPath
        }, function(err, data){


For someone looking for a NEST JS TYPESCRIPT version of the above:

     * to fetch a signed URL of a file
     * @param key key of the file to be fetched
     * @param bucket name of the bucket containing the file
    public getFileUrl(key: string, bucket?: string): Promise<string> {
        var scopeBucket: string = bucket ? bucket : this.defaultBucket;
        var params: any = {
            Bucket: scopeBucket,
            Key: key,
            Expires: signatureTimeout  // const value: 30
        return this.account.getSignedUrlPromise(getSignedUrlObject, params);

     * to get the downloadable file buffer of the file
     * @param key key of the file to be fetched
     * @param bucket name of the bucket containing the file
    public async getFileBuffer(key: string, bucket?: string): Promise<Buffer> {
        var scopeBucket: string = bucket ? bucket : this.defaultBucket;
        var params: GetObjectRequest = {
            Bucket: scopeBucket,
            Key: key
        var fileObject: GetObjectOutput = await this.account.getObject(params).promise();
        return Buffer.from(fileObject.Body.toString());

     * to upload a file stream onto AWS S3
     * @param stream file buffer to be uploaded
     * @param key key of the file to be uploaded
     * @param bucket name of the bucket 
    public async saveFile(file: Buffer, key: string, bucket?: string): Promise<any> {
        var scopeBucket: string = bucket ? bucket : this.defaultBucket;
        var params: any = {
            Body: file,
            Bucket: scopeBucket,
            Key: key,
            ACL: 'private'
        var uploaded: any = await this.account.upload(params).promise();
        if (uploaded && uploaded.Location && uploaded.Bucket === scopeBucket && uploaded.Key === key)
            return uploaded;
        else {
            throw new HttpException("Error occurred while uploading a file stream", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);