The SWT Button class has a setForeground(Color)
method but it seems to have no effect (the method is actually on Button's superclass). The javadoc says that this method is a hint and may be overridden by the platform. My platform is Windows.
- Does this mean that it is not possible to set button foreground color on Windows?
- Does it work on other platforms?
- Is there a workaround?
On Windows, setForeground
for Buttons
has no effects.
As a workaround, add a PaintListener
to your Button
. On this Listener's paintControl
method, get the generated event's GC
and, with it, re-write the text of your Button
using the color you want.
You can, in fact, draw anything over your Button
If you need Button with style SWT.CHECK you can try use Button without text and add Label element. Example:
chkAutorun = new Button(fCompositeLogin, SWT.CHECK);
Label lblAutorun = new Label(fCompositeLogin, SWT.NONE);
On windows, setForeground doesn't work for Group either.
If you can convince your users to use the Classic Theme, setForeground will miraculously work.
This is the code to Implement FOreground Color in Buttons in SWT with allowing Mnemonic key to be Shown also and Enabled by Pressing Alt+"Mnemonic Key";
Button radioButton=new Button(parent,SWT.RADIO);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("I am a Coloured radio button");
String name=null;
String S = "I am a Coloured radio button";
String substr="C";
int i=S.indexOf(substr);
name=sb.substring(i, i+2);
String whiteSpace=" ";
final String TName=S;
for(int l=0;l<1000;l++)
whiteSpace=whiteSpace.concat(" ");
radioButton.addPaintListener(new PaintListener(){
String name=TName;
public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int x=21;
int y=21;
e.gc.drawText(name, x,y,SWT.DRAW_MNEMONIC | SWT.TRANSPARENT);
Note: hex2Col is my own method to Convert hex Color Code to Color Type
Note: Here ALT+C is Mnemonic Key Combination i have Used