First I was changing HyperLink.NavigateUrl
in code-behind on Page_Load()
But after I decided to do it in design using Eval()
<asp:HyperLink runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("~/Refuse.aspx?type={0}&id={1}", Eval("type"), Eval("id")) %>' Text="Refuse" />
<asp:HyperLink ID="urlRefuse" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("~/Refuse.aspx?type={0}&id={1}", Request["type"], Request["id"]) %>' Text="Refuse" />
where id
and type
- are variables from Request
But it doesn't work. Only raw text 'Refuse' is shown. Where is my mistake? Thanks in advance.
this is working great
NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("type","~/Refuse.aspx?type={0}") %>'
This worked for me
NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("{0}.aspx?ID={1}", DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Category"), DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Post_ID")) %>'
Try and ViewSource in your browser, what's being rendered to the client in your href? Is it what you expected?. If you are trying to use variables from the request collection you can't use Eval, you need to use the Request query string parameters.
<asp:HyperLink runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# String.Format("~/Refuse.aspx?type={0}&id={1}", Request["type"], Request["id"]) %>' Text="Refuse" />
Try this:
Try this one:
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat="server" onclick='<%# String.Format("AcceptUser({0},{1})",Eval("UserId"), Eval("TsId")) %>' NavigateUrl="javascript:void(0)" Visible='<%# (bool)Eval("CanDelete") %>'>Accept</asp:HyperLink>
Try this it worked for me: