If there is a long url, i want to generate a short url like those in twitter, is there some way to implement in ruby?
Thank you in advance.
If there is a long url, i want to generate a short url like those in twitter, is there some way to implement in ruby?
Thank you in advance.
The easiest way is to:
Encoding to base 36/decoding from base 36 is simple in Ruby:
#=> "7cik3"
#=> 12341235
Encoding to base 62 is a bit tricker. Here's one way to do it:
module AnyBase
ENCODER = Hash.new do |h,k|
h[k] = Hash[ k.chars.map.with_index.to_a.map(&:reverse) ]
DECODER = Hash.new do |h,k|
h[k] = Hash[ k.chars.map.with_index.to_a ]
def self.encode( value, keys )
ring = ENCODER[keys]
base = keys.length
result = []
until value == 0
result << ring[ value % base ]
value /= base
def self.decode( string, keys )
ring = DECODER[keys]
base = keys.length
string.reverse.chars.with_index.inject(0) do |sum,(char,i)|
sum + ring[char] * base**i
...and here it is in action:
base36 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
db_id = 12341235
p AnyBase.encode( db_id, base36 )
#=> "7cik3"
p AnyBase.decode( "7cik3", base36 )
#=> 12341235
base62 = [ *0..9, *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z' ].join
p AnyBase.encode( db_id, base62 )
#=> "PMwb"
p AnyBase.decode( "PMwb", base62 )
#=> 12341235
If you want to avoid URLs that happen to be English words (for example, four-letter swear words) you can use a set of characters that does not include vowels:
base31 = ([*0..9,*'a'..'z'] - %w[a e i o u]).join
base52 = ([*0..9,*'a'..'z',*'A'..'Z'] - %w[a e i o u A E I O U]).join
However, with this you still have problems like AnyBase.encode(328059,base31)
or AnyBase.encode(345055,base31)
or AnyBase.encode(450324,base31)
. You may thus want to avoid vowel-like numbers as well:
base28 = ([*'0'..'9',*'a'..'z'] - %w[a e i o u 0 1 3]).join
base49 = ([*'0'..'9',*'a'..'z',*'A'..'Z'] - %w[a e i o u A E I O U 0 1 3]).join
This will also avoid the problem of "Is that a 0 or an O?" and "Is that a 1 or an I?".
I use the bitly gem. It's really simple.
gem install bitly
# Use api version 3 or get a deprecation warning
# Create a client
bitly = Bitly.new(username, api_key)
# Call method shorten
Well you could generate short URLs by using the APIs of the so many url shortening services. Almost all of the services that are out there provide an API for you to be able to invoke and shorten the url's, that is exactly how the twitter clients do as well. You should check out the particular url shortening service's website for further details.
If you want to create such a service on your own, that also can be quite simple, all you need to do is essentially maintain an internal mapping (in a database) between the original long url and a special short url (generated by you). And when you receive a request for a particular short url, you should then be able to get the original long url from the database and redirect the user to the same.
For Ruby 2.0, replace decode method by:
def self.decode( string, keys )
ring = DECODER[keys]
base = keys.length
string.reverse.chars.map.with_index.inject(0) do |sum,(char,i)|
sum + ring[char] * base**i