I trying to input four floats using scanf
, store them onto the stack, and then use vmovupd
to copy them over to a register for use. My problem is when I try to output those 4 numbers, the program seg faults at printf
I presume it is something with the stack but I've tried popping numerous times (multiple instructions at once) to no avail. I'm still new to Assembly coding so using gdb
is a bit too advanced for me.
You will notice that I have included a file called debug
. It allows me to look at registers and the stack (that's why there's a dumpstack
instruction.) That was provided by my professor and it did help some but obviously not enough (or maybe I am just missing something).
Here's the .cpp
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" double ComputeElectricity();
int main()
cout << "Welcome to electric circuit processing by Chris Tarazi." << endl;
double returnValue = ComputeElectricity();
cout << "The driver received this number: " << returnValue << endl;
return 0;
And here's the ASM
%include "debug.inc"
extern printf
extern scanf
global ComputeElectricity
;---------------------------------Declare variables-------------------------------------------
segment .data
greet db "This progam will help you analyze direct current circuits configured in parallel.", 10, 0
voltage db "Please enter the voltage of the entire circuit in volts: ", 0
first db "Enter the power consumption of device 1 (watts): ", 0
second db "Enter the power consumption of device 2 (watts): ", 0
third db "Enter the power consumption of device 3 (watts): ", 0
fourth db "Enter the power consumption of device 4 (watts): ", 0
thankyou db "Thank you. The computations have completed with the following results.", 10, 0
circuitV db "Curcuit total voltage: %1.18lf v", 10, 0
deviceNum db "Device number: 1 2 3 4", 10, 0
power db "Power (watts): %1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf", 10, 0
current db "Current (amps): %1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf", 10, 0
totalCurrent db "Total current in the circuit is %1.18lf amps.", 10, 0
totalPower db "Total power in the circuit is %1.18lf watts.", 10, 0
bye db "The analyzer program will now return total power to the driver.", 10, 0
string db "%s", 0
floatfmt db "%lf", 0
fourfloat db "%1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf %1.18lf", 0
;---------------------------------Begin segment of executable code------------------------------
segment .text
dumpstack 20, 10, 10
;dumpstack 30, 10, 10
;---------------------------------Output greet message------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, greet
call printf
;---------------------------------Prompt for voltage--------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, voltage
call printf
;---------------------------------Get voltage--------------------------------------------------
push qword 0
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, floatfmt
mov rsi, rsp
call scanf
vbroadcastsd ymm15, [rsp]
pop rax
;---------------------------------Prompt for watts 1--------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, first
call printf
;---------------------------------Get watts 1---------------------------------------------------
push qword 0
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, floatfmt
mov rsi, rsp
call scanf
;---------------------------------Prompt for watts 2--------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, second
call printf
;---------------------------------Get watts 2---------------------------------------------------
push qword 0
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, floatfmt
mov rsi, rsp
call scanf
;---------------------------------Prompt for watts 3--------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, third
call printf
;---------------------------------Get watts 3---------------------------------------------------
push qword 0
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, floatfmt
mov rsi, rsp
call scanf
;---------------------------------Prompt for watts 4--------------------------------------------
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, string
mov rsi, fourth
call printf
;---------------------------------Get watts 4---------------------------------------------------
push qword 0
mov qword rax, 0
mov rdi, floatfmt
mov rsi, rsp
call scanf
;dumpstack 50, 10, 10
;---------------------------------Move data into correct registers------------------------------
vmovupd ymm14, [rsp] ; move all 4 numbers from the stack to ymm14
pop rax
pop rax
pop rax
pop rax
;dumpstack 55, 10, 10
vextractf128 xmm10, ymm14, 0 ; get lower half
vextractf128 xmm11, ymm14, 1 ; get upper half
;---------------------------------Move data into low xmm registers------------------------------
movsd xmm1, xmm11 ; move ymm[128-191] (3rd value) into xmm1
movhlps xmm0, xmm11 ; move from highest value from xmm11 to xmm0
movsd xmm3, xmm10
movhlps xmm2, xmm10
;showymmregisters 999
;---------------------------------Output results-------------------------------------------------
;dumpstack 60, 10, 10
mov rax, 4
mov rdi, fourfloat
push qword 0
call printf
pop rax