I am developing an API using Codeigniter and MongoDB.
In some parts of the database I have saved the ID of an image in ObjectID format
instead of a string. Now I got an ID in string format and I need to query the database using it.
How can I "convert" a string to an ObjectID so that I can do the query?
From this:
To this:
I found a solution. Just do this new MongoId('34234234234234234234');
Here, you can see that there is a constructor ObjectId with single String parameter. So, can't it be useful to you ?
You just need to require the ObjectId function from your mongo.
ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
Then you can use it like that:
Using mongoose:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var objectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId('569ed8269353e9f4c51617aa');
Using native driver (https://stackoverflow.com/a/21076589/3377073)
var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
doc._id = new ObjectID(doc._id); // wrap in ObjectID
If you are using Meteor
var id = new Mongo.ObjectID("34234234234234234234");
or better use
var mongodb = require(‘mongodb’); //this might have been defined at the beginning of your code.
//now use it
query = {_id:mongodb.ObjectId('569ed8269353e9f4c51617aa')};
and the rest is the same.
you can now convert string to objectId on mongodb 4.0 and above. there is new feature to convert from string id to objectId
here you can see the documentation $toObjectId