I have a a figure that looks like this:
I'd like to make a legend that looks like this:
How can I do that?
Note that this legend has a frame with an edgecolor: a valid answer will include this. The legend should also be embedded in the axes.
The legend I want might not be achievable using ax.legend()
. A great answer would be one which shows how to build my desired legend (exactly as shown) manually with patches and texts, or whatever matplotlib methods that make sense.
Separate headings for D and A lines:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
ds = [1,2,3]
dc = [1.1, 1.9, 3.2]
asim = [1.5, 2.2, 3.1]
ac = [1.6, 2.15, 3.1]
categories = ['simulated', 'calculated']
p1, = plot(ds, 'ko', label='D simulated')
p2, = plot(dc, 'k:', label='D calculated')
p3, = plot(asim, 'b+', label='A simulated')
p4, = plot(ac, 'b-', label='A calculated')
p5, = plot([0], marker='None',
linestyle='None', label='dummy-tophead')
p7, = plot([0], marker='None',
linestyle='None', label='dummy-empty')
leg3 = legend([p5, p1, p2, p5, p3, p4],
[r'$D_{etc}$'] + categories + [r'$A_{etc}$'] + categories,
loc=2, ncol=2) # Two columns, vertical group labels
leg4 = legend([p5, p7, p5, p7, p1, p2, p3, p4],
[r'$D_{etc}$', '', r'$A_{etc}$', ''] + categories + categories,
loc=4, ncol=2) # Two columns, horizontal group labels
#If there isn't a big empty spot on the plot, two legends:
#leg1 = legend([p1, p2], categories, title='D_etc', loc=0)
#leg2 = legend([p3, p4], categories, title='A_etc', loc=4)