jquery mousewheel: detecting when the wheel stops?

2020-01-27 05:43发布


I'm using Jquery mousewheel plugin and I would like like to be able to detect when the user has finished using the wheel. Similar functionality as the stop: event in the draggable stuff. Can somebody point me to the right direction?


There's no "stop" event here really - you get an event when you do scroll, so every time a mousewheel event happens the event is triggered...when there's nothing you'll get no events and your handler won't be firing.

You ca however detect when the user hasn't used it in say 250ms, like this:

$("#myElem").mousewheel(function() {
  clearTimeout($.data(this, 'timer'));
  $.data(this, 'timer', setTimeout(function() {
     alert("Haven't scrolled in 250ms!");
     //do something
  }, 250));

You can give it a try here, all we're doing is storing the timeout on each use in using $.data(), if you use it again before that time runs out, it gets cleared...if not then whatever code you wanted to run fires, the user has "finished" using their mousewheel for whatever period of time you're testing for.


To complete Nick Craver's answer:

var wheeldelta = {
  x: 0,
  y: 0
var wheeling;
$('#foo').on('mousewheel', function (e) {
  if (!wheeling) {
    console.log('start wheeling!');

  wheeling = setTimeout(function() {
    console.log('stop wheeling!');
    wheeling = undefined;

    // reset wheeldelta
    wheeldelta.x = 0;
    wheeldelta.y = 0;
  }, 250);

  wheeldelta.x += e.deltaFactor * e.deltaX;
  wheeldelta.y += e.deltaFactor * e.deltaY;

scrolling outputs:

start wheeling!
Object {x: -1, y: 0}
Object {x: -36, y: 12}
Object {x: -45, y: 12}
Object {x: -63, y: 12}
Object {x: -72, y: 12}
Object {x: -80, y: 12}
Object {x: -89, y: 12}
Object {x: -97, y: 12}
Object {x: -104, y: 12}
Object {x: -111, y: 12}
Object {x: -117, y: 12}
Object {x: -122, y: 12}
Object {x: -127, y: 12}
Object {x: -131, y: 12}
Object {x: -135, y: 12}
Object {x: -139, y: 12}
Object {x: -145, y: 12}
Object {x: -148, y: 12}
Object {x: -152, y: 12}
Object {x: -154, y: 12}
Object {x: -156, y: 12}
Object {x: -157, y: 12}
Object {x: -158, y: 12}
Object {x: -159, y: 12}
Object {x: -161, y: 12}
Object {x: -162, y: 12}
Object {x: -164, y: 12}
Object {x: -166, y: 12}
Object {x: -167, y: 12}
Object {x: -169, y: 12}
stop wheeling!


Here's how to do it in native JavaScript:

var _scrollTimeout = null;

function onMouseWheel() {
    var d = ((typeof e.wheelDelta != "undefined") ? (-e.wheelDelta) : e.detail);
    d = 100 * ((d>0)?1:-1);

    console.log("Scroll delta", d);

    _scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
        console.log("Haven't scrolled in 250ms");
    }, 250);

window.addEventListener( 'mousewheel', onMouseWheel, false );
window.addEventListener( 'DOMMouseScroll', onMouseWheel, false ); // firefox


Here's how to implement your own wheel stop event.

//initialise the new variables
var wheelMap = new Map;
var deltaXEnded = false;
var deltaYEnded = false;
var previousSwipe = Object;
    previousSwipe.timeStamp = 0;
    previousSwipe.deltaX = 0;
    previousSwipe.deltaY = 0;
var wheelstart = false;

make a new eventListener for the wheelstop event

which we will be calling from the normalWheelEventCallbackFunction()

var wheelstop = new Event("wheelstop");

next we will define the callback in the case of this event being dispatched & then add the event to the window object.

function wheelstopcallback(event){
    wheelstart = false;
    console.log("wheel event has ended");
window.addEventListener("wheelstop", wheelstopcallback.bind(this));

now we define the normal wheel event listener as well as define the callback this listener will be using...

window.addEventListener("wheel", normalWheelEventCallbackFunction.bind(this));

The Wheel Event Callback Function

function normalWheelEventCallbackFunction(event){
   if(previousSwipe.timeStamp !== 0){
      if(event.timeStamp - previousSwipe.timeStamp < 1000)
         wheelMap.set(event.timeStamp, event);
 else{previousSwipe.timeStamp = event.timeStamp;}

  if(event.deltaX > 2 && event.deltaX > previousSwipe.deltaX){
     wheelstart = true
  else if(event.deltaX < -2&& event.deltaX < previousSwipe.deltaX){
     wheelstart = true;
  else if(event.deltaY > 2 && event.deltaY > previousSwipe.deltaY){
     wheelstart = true;
  else if(event.deltaY < 2 && event.deltaY < previousSwipe.deltaY){
     wheelstart = true;

     ((event.deltaX === 1 || event.deltaX === 0 || event.deltaX === -1) && ((event.deltaX > 0 && event.deltaX < previousSwipe.deltaX) || (event.deltaX < 0 && event.deltaX > previousSwipe.deltaX)) && wheelstart)
     || (wheelstart && (event.deltaX === 0 && previousSwipe.deltaX === 0))
     deltaXEnded = true;
     (((event.deltaY === 1 || event.deltaY === 0 || event.deltaY === -1) && ((event.deltaY > 0 && event.deltaY < previousSwipe.deltaY) || (event.deltaY < 0 && event.deltaY > previousSwipe.deltaY))) && wheelstart)
     || (wheelstart && (event.deltaY === 0 && previousSwipe.deltaY === 0)))     {
        deltaYEnded = true;

     if(deltaXEnded && deltaYEnded){
        deltaXEnded = false;
        deltaYEnded = false;

  previousSwipe.deltaX = event.deltaX;
  previousSwipe.deltaY = event.deltaY;

this may have a few mistakes, but for the most part the logic is pretty sound, I would recommend a fallback however if you are required to catch every single wheel event dispatched since it may have some after the 'wheelstop' event has been dispatched.

oh and lastly be sure and implement a handler for if it is interrupted by the click event which consequently ends the wheel event...

function wheelstopdispatch(){
window.addEventListener("click", wheelstopdispatch);


Nick Craver's answer works fine. But it will cause a small delay (of 250ms) to perform the // do something. A better option would be to execute your codes right away and wait delayms before catching further events.

To do this, use a global variable say processing, initialize it with false and toggle it's value before and after code execution.

window.processing = false;
$("#myElem").mousewheel(function() {
   if (processing === false) {
     processing = true;
     // do something
     setTimeout(function() {
       processing = false;
     }, 250)); // waiting 250ms to change back to false.