I wonder if there is a way to accomplish reading my serial port via PHP - that works :-)
In practising my Arduino skills, I developed a simple LED ON/OFF sketch. It works by entering on or off in the serial monitor.
Next step, I put together a webpage to act as an GUI interface to click a link and perform the on and off function above. This webbased GUI works via PHP. I am using the PHP SERIAL class to interact with the serial port my Arduino is using.
The issue is I need to find a way of getting feedback from the serial port. Using the Arduino IDE serial monitor, I can see my printed messages in response to each of my serial input and I need to retrieve the same feedback in my PHP code.
The PHP Serial class offers a readPort() function but I does not return my data.
const int greenPin = 2;
const int bluePin = 3;
const int redPin = 4;
int currentPin = 0; //current pin to be faded
int brightness = 0; //current brightness level
void setup(){
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
//if there's any serial data in the buffer, read a byte
if( Serial.available() > 0 ){
int inByte = Serial.read();
//respond only to the values 'r', 'g', 'b', or '0' through '9'
if(inByte == 'r')
currentPin = redPin;
if(inByte == 'g')
currentPin = greenPin;
if(inByte == 'b')
currentPin = bluePin;
if(inByte >= '0' && inByte <= '9'){
//map the incoming byte value to the range of the analogRead() command
brightness = map(inByte, '0', '9', 0, 255);
//set the current pin to the current brightness:
analogWrite(currentPin, brightness);
Serial.print("Current Pin : ");
Serial.print("Brightness : ");
}//close serial check
// include("php_serial.class.php");
// Let's start the class
$serial = new phpSerial();
// First we must specify the device. This works on both Linux and Windows (if
// your Linux serial device is /dev/ttyS0 for COM1, etc.)
// Set for 9600-8-N-1 (no flow control)
$serial->confBaudRate(9600); //Baud rate: 9600
$serial->confParity("none"); //Parity (this is the "N" in "8-N-1")
$serial->confCharacterLength(8); //Character length (this is the "8" in "8-N-1")
$serial->confStopBits(1); //Stop bits (this is the "1" in "8-N-1")
// Then we need to open it
// Read data
$read = $serial->readPort();
print "<pre>";
print "</pre>";
// Print out the data
echo $read;
// print exec("echo 'r9g9b9' > /dev/ttyACM0");
print "RESPONSE(1): {$read}<br><br>";
// If you want to change the configuration, the device must be closed.
if( isset($_REQUEST['LED']) )
<form action='index.php' method='POST'>
<select id='led' name='LED'>
<option id='nil'>-</option>
<option id='red'>RED</option>
<option id='green'>GREEN</option>
<option id='blue'>BLUE</option>
<option id='all'>ALL</option>
<input type='submit' value='SET'>
print "Hi, Earthlings!";
function response(){
$CMDString = "";
$execute = false;
if( isset($_REQUEST['LED']) ){
switch ($_REQUEST['LED']) {
case 'RED':
$CMDString = 'r9';
$execute = true;
exec("echo 'r9g0b0' > /dev/ttyACM0");
print "<br>FOUND: {$_REQUEST['LED']}";
case 'GREEN':
$CMDString = 'g9';
$execute = true;
print "<br>FOUND: {$_REQUEST['LED']}";
case 'BLUE':
$CMDString = 'b9';
$execute = true;
print "<br>FOUND: {$_REQUEST['LED']}";
case 'ALL':
$CMDString = 'r9g9b9';
$execute = true;
print "<br>FOUND: {$_REQUEST['LED']}";
print exec("echo 'r0g0b0' > /dev/ttyACM0");
$execute = false;
print exec("echo '{$CMDString}' > /dev/ttyACM0");
print "<br><br>executing: {$CMDString}";