I'm working in a centralized monitoring system on Windows 2008 R2, I have installed a PostgreSQL 9.3 to use psql from the command line.
When I try to access to some remote Postgres (an 8.4 in my principal case) I have an error with the encoding:
psql.exe -h -p 5432 -d db_seros_transaccion -U postgres -f script.sql
psql: FATAL: la conversión entre WIN1252 y LATIN1 no está soportada
I try adding the sentence
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
in my script but the problem persist (and with other encodings too, like LATIN1 & WIN1252).
After googling it I found people that update some rows in the server to make the connection, and this is a problem to me.
Can anyone help me to make a connection using psql without an update? Is it possible?