What if I want to web scrape with R for a page wit

2019-01-19 09:40发布


The page I would like to scrape here: http://stoptb.org/countries/tbteam/searchExperts.asp requires the submission of parameters in this page: http://stoptb.org/countries/tbteam/experts.asp in order to get the data out. Since the parameters are not nested in the URL, I don't know how to pass them with R. Is there a way to do this in R?

(BTW, I know next to nothing about ASP, so maybe that's the component I'm missing.)


You can use RHTMLForms

You may need to install it first:

# install.packages("RHTMLForms", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R")

or under windows you may need

# install.packages("RHTMLForms", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R", type = "source")

 forms = getHTMLFormDescription("http://stoptb.org/countries/tbteam/experts.asp")
 fun = createFunction(forms$sExperts)
 # find experts with expertise in "Infection control: Engineering Consultant"
 results <- fun(Expertise = "Infection control: Engineering Consultant")

 tableData <- getNodeSet(htmlParse(results), "//*/table[@class = 'data']")

#                              V1                   V2                     V3
#1                                                <NA>                   <NA>
#2                 Name of Expert Country of Residence                  Email
#3               Girmay, Desalegn             Ethiopia    deskebede@yahoo.com
#4            IVANCHENKO, VARVARA              Estonia v.ivanchenko81@mail.ru
#5                   JAUCOT, Alex              Belgium  alex.jaucot@gmail.com
#6 Mulder, Hans Johannes Henricus              Namibia        hmulder@iway.na
#7                    Walls, Neil            Australia        neil@nwalls.com
#8                 Zuccotti, Thea                Italy     thea_zuc@yahoo.com
#                  V4
#1               <NA>
#2 Number of Missions
#3                  0
#4                  3
#5                  0
#6                  0
#7                  0
#8                  1

or create a reader to return a table

 returnTable <- function(results){
  tableData <- getNodeSet(htmlParse(results), "//*/table[@class = 'data']")
 fun = createFunction(forms$sExperts, reader = returnTable)
 fun(CBased = "Bhutan") # find experts based in Bhutan
#                 V1                   V2                      V3
#1                                   <NA>                    <NA>
#2    Name of Expert Country of Residence                   Email
#3 Wangchuk, Lungten               Bhutan drlungten@health.gov.bt
#                  V4
#1               <NA>
#2 Number of Missions
#3                  2


Sending a form to a web server normally is done via what is called an HTTP POST request (getting an ordinary web page is an HTTP GET request).

The POST request spec lets you bundle up all the parameters into part of the HTTP headers.

RCurl can do this, or you might try the httr package which has a POST function that takes an R list of parameters to pass on with the POST request.

Another tip: use Firebug or other browser debugger to inspect what a page has sent as parameters to POST requests.


I tried to prepare a full working example for "http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/calculator.asp?usertype=prof".

 #Example the data required.
 medication <- 0; #c("0", "1")
 sex <- "male";   #c("female", "male")
 smoker <- 1;     # c("0", "1")
 age <- 20;       #
 hdl <- 20;       #
 systolic <- 130; #

 #thanks to http://www.omegahat.org/RHTMLForms/
  download.file("http://www.omegahat.org/RHTMLForms/RHTMLForms_0.6-0.tar", tempdir())
  install.packages(file.path(paste(tempdir(),"RHTMLForms_0.6-0.tar",  'RHTMLForms_0.6-0.tar')),repos=NULL, type='source')


 # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5396461/how-to-automate-multiple-requests-to-a-web-search-form-using-r
 # get form description
 forms <- getHTMLFormDescription(url);

 # create a function using form description, to query the url
 efun  <- createFunction(forms[[1]]);


# If you had an actual file you could use this for loop, for now you can use the example data
#  for(i in 1: dim(data)[1]){
#    medication <- 0;#c("0", "1")
#    sex <- ifelse(data$gender1[i]==0,"female","male") ;#c("female", "male")
#    smoker <- ifelse(data$cig1c[i]<2,0,1);# c("0", "1")
#    age <- data$age1c[i];#
#    cholesterol <- data$chol1[i];#
#    hdl <- data$hdl1[i];#
#    systolic <- round(data$sbp1c[i]);#


  # extract webpage by passing required arguments to function
  page  <- efun(medication = toString(medication), sex = toString(sex), smoker = toString(smoker), age = toString(age), cholesterol = toString(cholesterol), hdl = toString(hdl), systolic = toString(systolic));
  #pause the algorithm, so that you do not request too often from the server
  # parse webpage and return html tree
  doc   <- htmlTreeParse(page, asText = T, useInternalNodes = T);
  # extract table from the html tree
  tab   <- readHTMLTable(doc);
  result[i,]<-c(data$IDNO[i],medication,sex,smoker,age,cholesterol,hdl,systolic,as.numeric(gsub('[%a-zA-Z ]','',(tab[[1]][11,2]))))
 # }#end of for loop
