I asked few days ago, a question about how to transform a University Class Scheduling Problem into a Boolean Satisfiability Problem.
(Class Scheduling to Boolean satisfiability [Polynomial-time reduction])
I got an answer by @Amit who was very elegant and easy to code. Basically, his answer was like this : instead of considering courses, he considered time-intervals.
So for the i-th course, he just indicted all the possible intervals for this course. And we obtain a solution when there is at least 1 true-interval for every course and when no interval overlap an other.
This methods works very well when we consider only courses and nothing else. I generalize it by encoding the room inside the interval.
for example, instead of [8-10] to say that a course can happen between 8am and 10am.
I used [0.00801 - 0.01001] to say that a course can happen between 8am and 10am in the room 1.
I'm sure that you are currently wandering "why use double ?" well, because here come my problem :
To continue to generalize this method, I encode also the n° of the teacher in this interval.
I used [1.00801 - 1.01001] to say that a course can happen between 8am and 10am in the room 1 and be taught by the teacher n°1.
Here is what I got for now :
like this [1.008XX - 1.010XX] can happen in the same time as [2.008YY - 2.010YY], which is true, if the teacher 1 is teaching in the room X between 8am and 10am, the teacher 2 can teach also in Y between 8am and 10am, if and only if the room is available.
The problem is : with this method I cannot assure that XX and YY will be different and that YY will be available, because [1.008XX - 1.010XX] don't overlap [2.008XX - 2.010XX], so for now, the solver consider this possible.
And I still don't have any clue on how to assure this, by using this interval-method... I need a way to encode {Interval, room and teacher-id} in order that :
- a teacher cannot be in 2 places in the same interval.
- there cannot be 2 teachers in the same room for the same interval.
- there is a least 1 interval true by course.
Thanks in advance for your help, Best regards !
Follow up question: Class Scheduling to Boolean satisfiability [Polynomial-time reduction] Final Part