As a followup question to the following question and answer:
I'd like to confirm with google dataflow engineering team (@jkff) if the 3rd option proposed by Eugene is at all possible with google dataflow:
"have a ParDo that takes these keys and creates the BigQuery tables, and another ParDo that takes the data and streams writes to the tables"
My understanding is that ParDo/DoFn will process each element, how could we specify a table name (function of the keys passed in from side inputs) when writing out from processElement of a ParDo/DoFn?
Updated with a DoFn, which is not working obviously since c.element().value is not a pcollection.
PCollection<KV<String, Iterable<String>>> output = ...;
public class DynamicOutput2Fn extends DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<String>>, Integer> {
private final PCollectionView<List<String>> keysAsSideinputs;
public DynamicOutput2Fn(PCollectionView<List<String>> keysAsSideinputs) {
this.keysAsSideinputs = keysAsSideinputs;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
List<String> keys = c.sideInput(keysAsSideinputs);
String key = c.element().getKey();
//the below is not working!!! How could we write the value out to a sink, be it gcs file or bq table???
c.element().getValue().apply(Pardo.of(new FormatLineFn()))