How to remove provisioning profiles from Xcode

2020-01-26 13:22发布


Does anyone know how to remove previously installed provisioning profiles from Xcode?

I have seen this link, but I am not able to find that location in my system.

So I think there must be some other way to remove provisioning profiles.


It's simple, go to this folder:

~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

Open finder on your mac, and click on Go -> Go to Folder ... Just paste this into the search bar and hit Open. It will show the list of provisioning profiles present in Xcode. Delete all provisioning profiles.


Update for Xcode 8.3

This no longer works in Xcode 8.3. It appears to be related to Apple's move to automate provisioning profile and certificate generation:

The simplest "solution" (or workaround) is to make sure Xcode is closed, then via Terminal:

rm ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*.mobileprovision  

In Xcode 7 & 8:

  1. Open Preferences > Accounts

  2. Select your apple ID from the list

  3. On the right-hand side, select the team your provisioning profile belongs to

  4. Click View Details

  5. Under Provisioning Profiles, right-click the one you want to delete and select Move to Trash:


In Xcode 6, you can do this mostly right in Xcode:

  1. Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts.
  2. Choose your Apple ID in the left column.
  3. In the right pane, click the "View Details..." button.
  4. Right-click on the provisioning profile you want to delete, then click "Show Details".
  5. A Finder window will open up with the provisioning profile highlighted.
  6. Delete the selected provisioning profile.


  1. Open Terminal
  2. cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/
  3. open ./

Now the finder window will be open with Provisioning Profiles folder. Delete all or any provisioning profiles from here and it will reflect in Xcode.


For Xcode 7, brandonscript has the correct answer.

For earlier versions:

  1. Log in to the Apple Developer member centre and delete the profile there:
  2. In Xcode you go to Preferences > Accounts and click on your apple ID and View Details...
  3. Then Sync your online provisioning profiles to your local machine and the deleted ones will be removed from the list:


In Xcode 7:

  1. Go to Preferences > Accounts > Select your account and click View Details...
  2. In the Provisioning Profiles section, right click on the profile you want to delete and choose Move to Trash.
  3. Click Download all to get all the latest profiles for your account, or click Download next to the profile.
  4. Do a sanity check in your project's target(s) Build Settings so each target is indeed using the profile you want.


I was able to delete my Provisioning Profile from XCode 6 by using the Member Center online. I then just did a refresh/Sync in XCode 6 and it disappeared.

In the Apple Developer Member Center I had to do two things to make it happen:

  • Under under Identifiers -> AP IDs I had to first delete the old AP ID still using the old Provisioning Profile that I wanted to delete.
    • This step was crucial for me. If I just deleted the Provisioning Profile alone without the APP ID still using it, the Profile re-appeared in XCode after a Sync.
  • Under Provisioning Profiles I then deleted the unwanted provisioning profile.

In XCode:

  • Under Preferences > Accounts, clicking on my apple ID and View Details... I Sync'd my online provisioning profiles.
  • The Provisioning Profile removed itself from the list.


-Download iPhone configuration utility tool

-open it-> In Library section:- select provisioning profile(Left side of tool)

-select provisioning profile(which you want to delete) using back space delete it.


For XCode 9.3, the following steps worked for me.

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access
  2. Under the login option on the left panel, find Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority. Double click to get the options under it.
  3. Under the Trust option, change the When using this certificate option to Always trust .
  4. Exit the keychain access window, quit Xcode and restart Xcode. Rebuild the application. It should work now.


Provisioning profiles are stored under settings > accounts. Just press the "View details..." for the developer account you want and the provisioning profiles will be listed there.


open your terminal then use this command

cd /Users/youruser/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/

check first inside your folder by use this command


then if all files not use, delete by use this command

rm *


Post deleting and adding your new profile, you can verify if the profile is active and been take by your project by running below command.

grep -i "yourproject" *.mobileprovision


I found out how to find provisioning profiles in Xcode 8. Archive your project (Product -> Archive) and then hit the validate button. Xcode will prepare the binary and the entitlements. When the summary windows comes up just hit the little arrow at the right of the window. A finder window will open with all your downloaded profiles.enter image description here


With Xcode 9.3, this seems to be resolved by cleaning the project, quitting and restarting Xcode, and, after the restart, cleaning the build folder (hold Option and select Product->Clean Build Folder).

During the restart I happened to have the Xcode signing-info panel open on the Project navigator and saw a transient message that Xcode was rebuilding the signing profile. Upon trying to run my project on a device, I got a runtime exception due to a Swift framework file having an invalid signature. The second "Clean Build Folder" cleared that up and all works fine now.


In xcode 6, provisioning profiles are stored under Xcode > Preferences > accounts. Press "View details". On selecting your profile, you will get option to revoke it under settings(gear) icon below.