I would like to have a Google Chrome extension to rehost any image I click on.
For example, I have a html document with images using <img>
tag. I want to have a extension which will rehost that image to an another image host. I saw something like this with the imgur extension. I have no clue where should i begin or what should I do to get this work.
Thanks for your help in advance!
First, you have to get an API key. If a maximum of 50 uploads per hour is sufficient, and you don't want to register an account, get an anonymous API key.
Instead of binding a left-click event handler, which may interfere with a page, I suggest to add a contentmenu entry using the chrome.contextMenus
Manifest file, manifest.json
"name": "Rehost img at imgurl",
"version": "1.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"background": {"scripts":["background.js"]},
"permissions": [
"http://*/*", // This permission is needed to fetch URLs
Put the following code in your background script (using chrome.contextMenus.create
// background.js
title: "Rehost image",
contexts: ["image"],
onclick: function(info) {
// Get the image from cache:
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.onload = function() {
// Create a form
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("image", x.response); // x.response = blob
fd.append("key", "API KEY HERE");
// Now, upload the image
var y = new XMLHttpRequest();
y.onload = function() {
var url = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).upload.links.imgur_page;
// Now, do something with the new url.
y.open('POST', 'http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json');
x.responseType = 'blob'; // Chrome 19+
x.open('GET', info.srcUrl); // <-- info.srcUrl = location of image
You could display the URL to the user (simpliest method is prompt("Here's the URL:",url);
, or use localStorage
to map the previous URL to the new host and/or use the chrome.webRequest
API to redirect the image requests to the new host.
Using a different web service / image host to upload the picture. http://picstore.eu/ does not provide an API, so we submit a form programatically.
// background.js
title: "Rehost image",
contexts: ["image"],
onclick: function(info) {
// Get the image from cache:
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.onload = function() {
var file_name = info.srcUrl.split(/[?#]/)[0].split('/').pop();
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("imgUrl", "");
fd.append("fileName[]", file_name);
fd.append("Search files", "Browse");
fd.append("file[]", x.response, file_name);
fd.append("alt[]", file_name.replace(/[-_]/g, " ").replace(/\.[^.]*$/, ""));
//fd.append("private[0]", "1"); // "Private images.."
//fd.append("shorturl[0]", "1"); // "Create short URLs using b54"
fd.append("new_height[]", "");
fd.append("new_width[]", "");
fd.append("submit", "Upload");
var y = new XMLHttpRequest();
y.responseType = 'document'; // Chrome 18+ (but blob is 19+)
y.onload = function() {
var url = y.response.getElementById('codedirect').value;
prompt("URL:", url);
// Now, do something with the new url.
y.open('POST', 'http://picstore.eu/upload.php');
x.responseType = 'blob'; // Chrome 19+
x.open('GET', info.srcUrl); // <-- info.srcUrl = location of image