I am making some software that tracks the scores of a test. There are multiple users, the details of which are stored in a user table. There is then a progress table which tracks a score with the date and the user who's score it is.
I can already select the 3 most recent records for a chosen userID
SELECT TOP 3 Progress.LoginID, Progress.Score, Progress.[Date Taken]
FROM Progress
WHERE (((Progress.LoginID)=[Enter LoginID:]))
ORDER BY Progress.[Date Taken] DESC;
And I can show all the records grouped by LoginID
SELECT Progress.LoginID, Progress.Score, Progress.[Date Taken]
FROM Progress
GROUP BY Progress.LoginID, Progress.Score, Progress.[Date Taken];
I want to be able to show the 3 most recent records for each user in one query and I'm unsure of how to use nested queries/subqueries to do so.
The field names for the user table are:
Guardian Forename
Guardian Surname
Telephone Number
The field names for the progress table are:
Date Taken
Any help would be appreciated.