So given this function, I get the error "Identifier Expected" on the GetRoot := ROOTPage.Values[0];
line. I expect it is telling me that the ROOTPage
is not defined?
DefaultRoot = 'C:\IAmGRoot';
ROOTPage : TInputQueryWizardPage;
procedure SetupRoot;
ROOTPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpUserInfo,
ExpandConstant('{cm:RootDescription}') + ' "' + DefaultRoot + '"'
ROOTPage.Add(ExpandConstant('{cm:SSRoot}') + ':', False);
ROOTPage.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('{DefaultRoot}');
// add SSROOT to path
function GetRoot : string;
GetRoot := ROOTPage.Values[0];
How should I interpret this error. What is an identifier in Pascal?
This page tells me that identifiers are variable names. Perhaps I need to expand the ROOTPage.Values[0]
in some way since I am referencing an array from an Inno Setup object?
Or maybe I need to return the value differently. I saw one page on Pascal that said that you needed to avoid assigning to the function value on parameter less functions to avoid a recursive loop. Does this mean I should pass in a dummy value? or is there a different syntax? That page did not explain.
I secretly think my real issue is that I am not defining my function correctly... but well. That much compiles at least. This question could become: How do you handle a parameter-less function in Pascal?
I do not think Inno Setup is part of the issue, but I am working with Inno Setup in case that is important.
Update: It doesn't seem to be the array because this gets the same error:
DefaultRoot = 'C:\IAmGRoot';
function GetRoot : string;
GetRoot := DefaultRoot;
This link has said that the function name can be replaced/ should be replaced with the key word Result
such as the following code. I actually knew this, but the Inno Setup compiler does not recognize this as valid syntax. It then tells me my function is an invalid prototype.
function GetRoot : string;
Result := DefaultRoot;
Update: If I do this I get "Invalid Prototype for GetRoot"
function GetRoot : boolean;
Result := False;
Update for @Martin Prikryl:
Well I use it a few places but the typical use would be like this:
Source: "C:\ValidPath\Release\*"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Components: DefinedComponent
Source: "C:\ValidPath\Deployment\*"; DestDir: "{code:GetRoot}\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Components: DefinedComponent