Getting the context inside onClick(View view)
, the callback for a button's onClickListener()
, is easy:
But I can't figure out how to get the context inside onClick(DialogInterface v, int buttonId)
, the callback for a dialog's onClickListener
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
Is this possible?
You can reference an outer context when you define your DialogInterface.OnClickListener
as an anonymous class. If you're in an activity you can use MyActivity.this
as the context.
Edit - since your Activity is implementing DialogInterface.OnClickListener
, you should be able to just use this
as the context.
If your DialogInterface is within MainActivity, then you can get the context using
Btw You can also implement the DialogInterface (in your code sample, you have written implements twice) and the same statement can be used to get the activity context.
Here is how you do it in case you
- do not want to have any anonymous class usage
- or having your activity/fragment implement the interface directly.
Just simply,
- use
object and cast it to Dialog
- then call
Example with DialogInterface.OnClickListener:
DialogInterface.OnClickListener foo = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int which) {
Dialog dialog = (Dialog) dialogInterface;
Context context = dialog.getContext();
// do some work with context
This will also work for the following interfaces as well, just use the first param DialogInterface dialogInterface
and cast.
- DialogInterface.OnCancelListener
- DialogInterface.OnDismissListener
- DialogInterface.OnKeyListener
- DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener
- DialogInterface.OnShowListener
inside setOnClickListener
decelare this below the class
Context context = this;
and use this context
AlertDialog.Builder alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);