JQGrid Programmatically Select Grid Row

2020-01-25 10:53发布


I have a JQGrid with loadonce:true(so it's all client side) and paging enabled(with, say 20 pages).

I would like to specify a row(programmatically, without user input) and have my grid navigate to the corresponding page to select the specified row.

Is this possible with the current JQGrid?

I've looked into search and filter, but that just reloads the grid with new rows - I need my grid to navigate to the correct page - Keeping its data and structure.

I'm in the process of optimizing my grid structure, so any changes needed(say client side to server side) would be possible.


Because you use loadonce:true, then you prepare the data on the server. On the server side you can decide which row must be selected. On the server side you can also easy calculate on which page will be the selected row. The id of selected row and the selected page you can for example include as a part of the userdata. So the data sent from the server could looks like following:

    "total": 5,
    "page": 1,
    "records": 107,
    "rows": [
    "userdata": {
        "page": 3,
        "selId": 24 

Inside of loadComplete you can do about following

loadComplete: function(data) {
    if (jQuery("#list").getGridParam('datatype') === "json") {
        // data.userdata is the same as jQuery("#list").getGridParam('userData');
        var userdata = jQuery("#list").getGridParam('userData');
        var curPage = jQuery("#list").getGridParam('page'); // is always 1
        if (curPage !== userdata.page) {
                    { page: userdata.page }).trigger("reloadGrid");
                jQuery("#list").setSelection (userdata.selId, true);
        else {
            jQuery("#list").setSelection (userdata.selId, true);

A working examples you can see on http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/DataToSelect.htm and http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/DataToMultiSelect.htm.

UPDATE: Free jqGrid supports multiPageSelection:true option strarting with the version 4.10.0. The option allows to set selection of multiple rows in the grid very easy (and it works very quickly, because it set selection state directly during creating the body of the grid). See the answer and the demo and the readme to 4.10.0.