Scenario: There is a requirement of downloading files from web hierarchy to local drive under same hierarchy.
Example Web Hierarchy:
Parent 1:
Child 1:
*File 1
Child 2:
*File 2
When downloading File 1, it should store in path 1 - "C:\....\Downloads\Parent 1\Child 1\"
When downloading File 2, it should store in path 2 - "C:\....\Downloads\Parent 1\Child 2\"
When I keep "C:....\Downloads\Parent 1\Child 1\" download path in chrome webdriver while initializing webdriver first time in setUp() & download "File 1", it downloads in expected folder. But when I set next "C:....\Downloads\Parent 1\Child 2\" download path in chrome webdriver for downloading File 2 in it, it opens another chrome browser because I am using another webdriver for setting path 2.
Required Solution:
I want to use existing webdriver to set different chrome download paths or any other workaround you can think of.
Current Code:
def setUp(self):
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver_path, option_with_path_1_set)
def test_downloadFiles(self):
\*code to download first file\*
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver_path, option_with_path_2_set)
\*code to download second file\*
def tearDown(self):
Please let me know if you require any additional information.
Thanks in advance!