I have jar with files:
In Marge.java I have code:
private static final String ENDINGS_FILE_NAME = "res/endingRule.txt";
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(ENDINGS_FILE_NAME);
But after this inputStream is null. How to work with resources? Why null?
To retrieve the file inside the jar, use:
private static final String ENDINGS_FILE_NAME = "/res/endingRule.txt";
InputStream is = getClass( ).getResourceAsStream(ENDINGS_FILE_NAME);
Your name looks wrong - incorrect extension and the wrong kind of slash:
private static final String ENDINGS_FILE_NAME = "res/endingRule.txt";
The \
is being interpreted as an escape character rather than directory separator. File name is also off. Try:
private static final String ENDINGS_FILE_NAME = "res/endingRule.txt";
private static final String ENDINGS_FILE_NAME = "res\\endingRule.txt";