I developed an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application (.net 4.5) which runs fine in Visual Studio 2012. After deployment to IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2, it seems like the HttpContext.Session object inside my controller is null. I created a simple test ASP.NET MVC 4 application to demonstrate the issue.
In my test app I have a simple Home Controller
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
if ( HttpContext != null && HttpContext.Session != null )
HttpContext.Session[ "test" ] = "a string in session state";
ViewBag.Info = HttpContext.Session[ "test" ];
return View();
if ( HttpContext == null )
ViewBag.Info = "beeeeuuuuu - HttpContext = null!!!";
else if ( HttpContext.Session == null )
ViewBag.Info = "beeeeuuuuu - Session = null!!!";
return View();
My Index.chtml view lookes something like this:
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
This is a simple test
So when I run the application I get what I was expecting:
This is a simple test
a string in session state
But after I deploy the application to the web server the website gives me the following page indicating that the Session object is null:
This is a simple test
beeeeuuuuu - Session = null!!!
The web application is deployed to the default website which runs under the ASP.NET v4.0 application pool (integrated pipeline).
I already reïnstalled ASP.NET on the server using aspnet_regiis -ir but this didn't help. The Session state is enabled (In Proc) at the ISS server. I hope anyone can help me out here cause I'm trying to solve this for quite some time.
Much thanks in advance and kind regards.
UPDATE: I also tested an ASP.NET MVC 4 build with .NET 4.0 instead of 4.5 and that has the same problem. I also deployed an ASP.NET Web Pages app (.NET 4.0) and that works fine (The HttpContext.Current.Session is not null in the code behind).
UPDATE II: I also tried to store the Session State in a database, which worked fine on my development machine but had the same problem on the production server (HttpContext.Session still returns null).