I need to get local IP of computer like 192.*.... Is this possible with PHP?
I need IP address of system running the script, but I do not need the external IP, I need his local network card address.
I need to get local IP of computer like 192.*.... Is this possible with PHP?
I need IP address of system running the script, but I do not need the external IP, I need his local network card address.
$localIP = getHostByName(php_uname('n'));
$localIP = getHostByName(getHostName());
This is an old post, but get it with this:
function getLocalIp()
{ return gethostbyname(trim(`hostname`)); }
For example:
die( getLocalIp() );
Found it on another site, do not remove the trim command because otherwise you will get the computers name.
BACKTICKS (The special quotes): It works because PHP will attempt to run whatever it's between those "special quotes" (backticks) as a shell command and returns the resulting output.
Is very similar (but much more efficient) than doing:
$exec = exec("hostname"); //the "hostname" is a valid command in both windows and linux
$hostname = trim($exec); //remove any spaces before and after
$ip = gethostbyname($hostname); //resolves the hostname using local hosts resolver or DNS
try this (if your server is Linux):
$command="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'";
$localIP = exec ($command);
echo $localIP;
The default external IP address of the local machine can be obtained like this:
$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);
socket_connect($sock, "", 53);
socket_getsockname($sock, $name); // $name passed by reference
$localAddr = $name;
How it works:
Since this is UDP, socket_connect
doesn't go out on the network. It only assigns a local address and port to the socket. This allows us to get the local address.
This solution works without any network traffic, DNS, or command execution.
It may not work if there is no route to
(e.g. you have no internet connection).
Depends what you mean by local:
If by local you mean the address of the server/system executing the PHP code, then there are still two avenues to discuss. If PHP is being run through a web server, then you can get the server address by reading $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']
. If PHP is being run through a command line interface, then you would likely have to shell-execute ipconfig
(Windows) / ifconfig
(*nix) and grep out the address.
If by local you mean the remote address of the website visitor, but not their external IP address (since you specifically said 192.*), then you are out of luck. The whole point of NAT routing is to hide that address. You cannot identify the local addresses of individual computers behind an IP address, but there are some tricks (user agent, possibly mac address) that can help differentiate if there are multiple computers accessing from the same IP.
hostname(1) can tell the IP address: hostname --ip-address
, or as man says, it's better to use hostname --all-ip-addresses
You may try this as regular user in CLI on Linux host:
function get_local_ipv4() {
$out = split(PHP_EOL,shell_exec("/sbin/ifconfig"));
$local_addrs = array();
$ifname = 'unknown';
foreach($out as $str) {
$matches = array();
if(preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)(:\d{1,2})?(\s)+Link/',$str,$matches)) {
$ifname = $matches[1];
if(strlen($matches[2])>0) {
$ifname .= $matches[2];
} elseif(preg_match('/inet addr:((?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)(?:[.](?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|\d)){3})\s/',$str,$matches)) {
$local_addrs[$ifname] = $matches[1];
return $local_addrs;
$addrs = get_local_ipv4();
array (
'eth0' => '',
'eth0:0' => '',
'lo' => '',
'vboxnet0' => '',
$localIP = gethostbyname(trim(exec("hostname")));
I tried in Windows pc and Its worked and also think that Will work on Linux to.
It is very simple and above answers are complicating things. Simply you can get both local and public ip addresses using this method.
$publicIP = file_get_contents("http://ipecho.net/plain");
echo $publicIP;
$localIp = gethostbyname(gethostname());
echo $localIp;
It is easy one. You can get the host name by this simple code.
$ip = getHostByName(getHostName());
Or you can also use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']
to get the hostname.
I fiddled with this question for a server-side php (running from Linux terminal)
I exploded 'ifconfig' and trimmed it down to the IP address.
Here it is:
$interface_to_detect = 'wlan0';
echo explode(' ',explode(':',explode('inet addr',explode($interface_to_detect,trim(`ifconfig`))[1])[1])[1])[0];
And of course change 'wlan0' to your desired network device.
My output is:
If you are in a dev environment on OS X, connected via Wifi:
echo exec("/sbin/ifconfig en1 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d ' ' -f2");
Returns the filename of the current script with the path relative to the root
Returns the name and revision of the page-requested protocol
Returns the request method used to access the page
Returns the root directory under which the current script is executing
Try this
$localIP = gethostbyname(trim('hostname'));