Is the Userprincipal I retrieve from SecurityContextHolder
bound to requests or to sessions?
UserPrincipal principal = (UserPrincipal) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
This is the way I access the currently logged in user. Will this invalidate if the current session is destroyed?
It depends on how you configured it (or lets say, you can configure a different behaviour).
In a Web application you will use the ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy
which interacts with SecurityContextPersistenceFilter
The Java Doc of SecurityContextPersistenceFilter
starts with:
Populates the {@link
SecurityContextHolder} with
information obtained from the
configured {@link
SecurityContextRepository} prior to
the request and stores it back in the
repository once the request has
completed and clearing the context
holder. By default it uses an {@link
See this class for information
HttpSession related
configuration options.
Btw: HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository is the only implementation of SecurityContextRepository (I have found in the default libs)
It works like this:
- The
uses the httpSession (Key="SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT") to store an SecurityContext
- The
is an filter that uses an SecurityContextRepository
for example the HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository
to load and store SecurityContext
Objects. If an HttpRequest passes the filter, the filter get the SecurityContext
from the repository and put it in the SecurityContextHolder (SecurityContextHolder#setContext
- The
has two methods setContext
and getContext
. Both uses a SecurityContextHolderStrategy
to specify what exactly is done in the set- and get-Context methods. - For example the ThreadLocalSecurityContextHolderStrategy
uses a thread local to store the context.
So in summary: The user principal (element of SecurityContext) is stored in the HTTP Session. And for each request it is put in a thread local from where you access it.