I need to remove all tags from a html with a bash script using the sed command.
I tried with this
sed -r 's/[\<][\/]?[a-zA-Z0-9\=\"\-\#\.\& ]+[\/]?[\>]//g' $1
and whith this
sed -r 's/[\<][\/]?[.]*[\/]?[\\]?[\>]//g' $1
but I still miss something, any suggestions??
You can either use one of the many HTML to text converters, use Perl regex if possible <.+?>
or if it must be sed
use <[^>]*>
sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' file.html
If there's no room for errors, use an HTML parser instead.
E.g. when an element is spread over two lines
>Lorem ipsum</div>
this regular expression will not work.
This regular expression consists of three parts <
, [^>]*
, >
- search for opening
- followed by zero or more characters
, which are not the closing >
is a character class, when it starts with ^
look for characters not in the class
- and finally look for closing
The simpler regular expression <.*>
will not work, because it searches for the longest possible match, i.e. the last closing >
in an input line. E.g., when you have more than one tag in an input line
<name>Olaf</name> answers questions.
will result in
answers questions.
instead of
Olaf answers questions.
See also Repetition with Star and Plus, especially section Watch Out for The Greediness! and following, for a detailed explanation.