Question: How can you send a form with Javascript if one form input has the name submit
Background: I am redirecting the user to another page with a hidden HTML form. I cannot change name on the (hidden) inputs, since the other page is on another server and the inputs need to be exactly as they are. My HTML form looks like this:
<form id="redirectForm" method="post" action="">
<input name="search" type="hidden" value="search for this" />
<input name="submit" type="hidden" value="search now" />
I use the following javascript line to send the form automatically today:
However, since the name of one input is "submit" (it cannot be something else, or the other server won't handle the request), document.getElementById('redirectForm').submit
refers to the input as it overrides the form function submit()
The error message in Firefox is: Error: document.getElementById("requestform").submit is not a function
. Similar error message in Safari.