Retrieving all Drawable resources from Resources o

2020-01-23 16:54发布


In my Android project, I want to loop through the entire collection of Drawable resources. Normally, you can only retrieve a specific resource via its ID using something like:

InputStream is = Resources.getSystem().openRawResource(resourceId)

However, I want to get all Drawable resources where I won't know their ID's beforehand. Is there a collection I can loop through or perhaps a way to get the list of resource ID's given the resources in my project?

Or, is there a way for me in Java to extract all property values from the R.drawable static class?


If you find yourself wanting to do this you're probably misusing the resource system. Take a look at assets and AssetManager if you want to iterate over files included in your .apk.


Okay, this feels a bit hack-ish, but this is what I came up with via Reflection. (Note that resources is an instance of class android.content.res.Resources.)

final R.drawable drawableResources = new R.drawable();
final Class<R.drawable> c = R.drawable.class;
final Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();

for (int i = 0, max = fields.length; i < max; i++) {
    final int resourceId;
    try {
        resourceId = fields[i].getInt(drawableResources);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /* make use of resourceId for accessing Drawables here */

If anyone has a better solution that makes better use of Android calls I might not be aware of, I'd definitely like to see them!


I have taken Matt Huggins great answer and refactored it to make it more generic:

public static void loadDrawables(Class<?> clz){
    final Field[] fields = clz.getDeclaredFields();
    for (Field field : fields) {
        final int drawableId;
        try {
            drawableId = field.getInt(clz);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        /* make use of drawableId for accessing Drawables here */




i used getResources().getIdentifier to scan through sequentially named images in my resource folders. to be on a safe side, I decided to cache image ids when activity is created first time:

    private void getImagesIdentifiers() {

    int resID=0;        
    int imgnum=1;
    images = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    do {            
        resID=getResources().getIdentifier("img_"+imgnum, "drawable", "InsertappPackageNameHere");
        if (resID!=0)
    while (resID!=0);



Add a picture named aaaa and another named zzzz, then iterate through the following:

public static void loadDrawables() {
  for(long identifier = (R.drawable.aaaa + 1);
      identifier <= (R.drawable.zzzz - 1);
      identifier++) {
    String name = getResources().getResourceEntryName(identifier);
    //name is the file name without the extension, indentifier is the resource ID

This worked for me.


You should use the Raw folder and AssetManager, but if you want to use drawables because why not, here is how...

Let's suppose we have a very long file list of JPG drawables and we want to get all the resource ids without the pain of retrieving one by one (R.drawable.pic1, R.drawable.pic2, ... etc)

//first we create an array list to hold all the resources ids
ArrayList<Integer> imageListId = new ArrayList<Integer>();

//we iterate through all the items in the drawable folder
Field[] drawables = R.drawable.class.getFields();
for (Field f : drawables) {
    //if the drawable name contains "pic" in the filename...
    if (f.getName().contains("image"))
        imageListId.add(getResources().getIdentifier(f.getName(), "drawable", getPackageName()));

//now the ArrayList "imageListId" holds all ours image resource ids
for (int imgResourceId : imageListId) {
     //do whatever you want here


I guess the reflection code will work but I don't understand why you need this.

Resources in Android are static once the application is installed so you can have a list of resources or an array. Something like:

<string-array name="drawables_list">

And from your Activity you can get it by doing:



Just do this:

Field[] declaredFields = (R.drawable.class).getDeclaredFields();


The OP wanted drawables and I needed layouts. This is what I came up with for layouts. The name.startsWith business lets me ignore system generated layouts, so you may need to tweak that a bit. This should work for any resource type by modifying the value of clz.

public static Map<String,Integer> loadLayouts(){
    final Class<?> clz = R.layout.class;
    Map<String,Integer> layouts = new HashMap<>();
    final Field[] fields = clz.getDeclaredFields();
    for (Field field : fields) {
        String name = field.getName();
        if (
                && !name.startsWith("design_")
                && !name.startsWith("notification_")
                && !name.startsWith("select_dialog_")
                && !name.startsWith("support_")
        ) {
            try {
                layouts.put(field.getName(), field.getInt(clz));
            } catch (Exception e) {
    return layouts;



R.drawable drawableResources = new R.drawable();
Class<R.drawable> c = R.drawable.class;
Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();

for (int i = 0, max = fields.length; i < max; i++) {
    final int resourceId;
    try {
        resourceId = fields[i].getInt(drawableResources);
        // call save with param of resourceId
    } catch (Exception e) {


public void SaveImage(int resId){
    if (!CheckExternalStorage()) {

    Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), resID);
    try {
        File dir = new File(path);
        if (!dir.exists()) {
        OutputStream fOut = null;
        File file = new File(path, "image1.png");
        fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
        bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, fOut);
        MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(this.getContentResolver(), file.getAbsolutePath(), file.getName(), file.getName());
        Log.i(LOGTAG, "Image Written to Exterbal Storage");

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("saveToExternalStorage()", e.getMessage());